
  1. A

    how can i meet selena gomez because i want her to sighn my abs so i could

    take a picture of it lol? do i have to wait 3 more months till i get my license so i could drive to california then go back stage and ask?Or is she incredibly hard to get to?It would be cool to have a picture of my abs with selena gomez autograph haha
  2. A

    how can i meet selena gomez because i want her to sighn my abs so i could

    take a picture of it lol? do i have to wait 3 more months till i get my license so i could drive to california then go back stage and ask?Or is she incredibly hard to get to?It would be cool to have a picture of my abs with selena gomez autograph haha
  3. ¿

    Why won`t my msn mac let me sighn in and i am connected to the internet!?

    I get try to get on my msn mac 8.0 but it says im eather not connected to the internet witch i am or the server is not woring so what should i do??? PLEASE HELP ME ASAP!!
  4. M

    i dont know how to download the teen version of second life i can sighn up...

    ...but i cant conferm it? ive sighned up but i cand get the confirmation code