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    Conn Smythe Watch: Has Patrick Kane clinched the Conn Smythe if Chicago wins?

    The morning after every Stanley Cup Final game, Puck Daddy takes an expanded look at the race for playoff MVP. Here’s the one from after Game 4. 1. Patrick Kane, Chicago Blackhawks Kane’s been up and down in the postseason, but if you weigh the final games heavier, he’s got a strong Conn...
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    No doubting it: Tim Thomas wins Conn Smythe Trophy

    </p> One year ago, Tim Thomas sat on the Boston Bruins' bench and watched as the Philadelphia Flyers came back from a 3-0 series deficit in the second round of the Stanley Cup Playoffs and eliminated the Bruins. It was the end of a miserable season for Thomas, whose effectiveness was limited...
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    Mr. and Mrs. Smythe traveled from San Antonio to Austin in 1 hour. Approximately

    how far did they travel? a.120 meters b.120 kilometers c.120 kilograms d.120 millimeters PLEASE HELP ME!!!!! THIS IS ONLY 1 PROBLEM OUT OF LIKE....50!!!