
  1. A

    ack Sparrow is 1.5 mi offshore in a boat and wishes to reach a coastal

    village at a point down a straight? (continued)...shoreline that is 6 mi from the point on the shore that is nearest to the boat. He can row 2 mph and can walk 5 mph. How far down the shoreline should he land the boat in order to reach the village in the least amount of time? really need help...
  2. G

    Push Notifications in Sparrow for iPhone Will Require a Subscription [IPhone Apps]

    The new Sparrow for iPhone update brings lots of new features, but unfortunately, push notifications aren't amongst them. More »
  3. U

    Can a canary and house sparrow interbreed?

    Just out of curiosity, can a canary and house sparrow interbreed? I know they are different types of birds, but I'm just wondering if that is possible.
  4. G

    Poll: Captain Jack Sparrow or Bellatrix?

    Captain: im said the contacts don't like me... Thanks for asking a question about me though!! Bellatrix: I think I forgive you but can I have my wand back?
  5. M

    can anyone give me jack sparrow gadget for orkut scrap?

    pls pls help......reward 5 crore dollar.....
  6. G

    William Fitzsimmons-The Sparrow And The Crow-2008-GRAVEWISH

    Category: Music-MP3 (Acoustic) Size: 55.94 MB Files: 21 (5 pars) Group: a.b.sounds.mp3.complete_cd .NFO: View NFO Posted: Thu February 18th 10:02:49 UTC Download NZB
  7. M

    what do the little sparrow bird tattoos mean? if they have a pic.?

    what do they mean? like how some tattos have a meaning. ( i want 1 ther ^^^^ )
  8. M

    I had a female sparrow 4 years and she got away she was always wild and nervous...

    ...sometimes in the cage? will she be ok out there? she only lived in the cage. I live in Greece and where I am I see many sparrows... the cage was dropped and she was gone I never saw her again