
  1. S

    What can I specialize in after medical school that deals with fitness and nutrition?

    I'm interested in going to medical school, and I was wondering what types of doctors deal with areas such as fitness and nutrition.
  2. T

    What lenders specialize in using land as collateral for loans to buy a home?

    I need a loan to buy a mobile home and I want to use the land I already own as collateral. Are there any mortgage companies or banks that are known to take land as collateral as a down payment or to secure the loan? (p.s. I live in Oklahoma)
  3. T

    What lenders specialize in using land as collateral for loans to buy a home?

    I need a loan to buy a mobile home and I want to use the land I already own as collateral. Are there any mortgage companies or banks that are known to take land as collateral as a down payment or to secure the loan? (p.s. I live in Oklahoma)
  4. P

    what to specialize in for MMA?

    im approaching 190 LBS, im fit, i have decent cardio (can run 2.5km in 12 minutes). i do strongman training and can bench 315 LB, deadlift and squat 400 LB. im 17, im thinking of starting MMA but idk where to start, i was thinking brazilian ju jitsu or similar sports, but my friends say i should...
  5. A

    What regions in France specialize in food?

    What regions in France are famous (dont have to be famous but have something to do with food) for their food?
  6. J

    Bein-Nosy Poll: Is Dr. KIA really a doctor, what does she specialize in?

    Science & Mathematics > Medicine > Learning New Stufff Everyday. Thanks
  7. K

    Is there store that specialize in B-Stock & Refurbished Studio Equipment?

    Thanks In Advanced :) I meant Online stores..sorry
  8. N

    Anyone know Black hair salon on Long Island that specialize in short styles?

    Nassau county would be preferable...or any salons in Harlem since I work uptown. The look I'm trying to replicate is Malinda Williams...