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    Package deal: Zach Parise, Ryan Suter sign 13-year, $98 million deals with Minnesota

    The decisions on both Ryan Suter's and Zach Parise's futures boiled down to just a single decision: Did they want to play on the same team with one another? That answer, according to Michael Russo of the Star Tribune, is yes. Russo broke the news on Wednesday afternoon that the two...
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    How Ryan Suter said goodbye to Nashville Predators

    Like his new Minnesota Wild teammate and fellow free-agent multi-millionaire Zach Parise, defenseman Ryan Suter has only known one franchise during his tenure in the NHL. He was drafted by the Nashville Predators in 2003, played through the AHL system for a season and then skated with them...
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    The Anti-LeBrons: Zach Parise, Ryan Suter choose Minnesota over the obvious

    Zach Parise and Ryan Suter are not the NHL's first package deal; please recall Paul Kariya and Teemu Selanne tethering themselves together in free agency before taking their talents to Denver in 2003 to win a Stanley Cup for the Colorado Avalanche. (It didn't work.) Parise and Suter are not...