
  1. J

    Religion myth question; are we judged on a temporal bell curve?

    I realized one of my big problems with (I guess you'd say western religions?) is I feel like the bible doesn't allow us to be judged based on how our cultures progress and as we change as social beings through time, so I feel like we are groomed to compare ourselves to people who centuries ago...
  2. Y

    Are religious experiences a form of temporal lobe epilepsy!?

    With an apparatus dubbed 'God-Helmet' (generates weak fluctuating magnetic fields), neuro-science professor Michael Persinger showed that about 80 percent of his participants experienced a presence beside them in the room, which ranges from a simple 'sensed presence' to visions of "god"...
  3. D

    Has anyone read about three antichrists in "Three Temporal Kings - Nostradamus...

    Has anyone read about three antichrists in "Three Temporal Kings - Nostradamus... ...Prophecies of the Divine Plan"? Does anyone have information on the theory by Nostradamus that there are a series of three antichrists with a succession of lesser kings that support them? This sounds like the...