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    New Research Reveals Terminally Ill Willing To Talk About Where They Want To Die

    A study undertaken by a team from Marie Curie Hospice Edinburgh, published in British Medical Journal Supportive and Palliative Care, has revealed new insights into the preferences and wishes of people with terminal illness.1 The research, which looked retrospectively at the case notes of 1127...
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    Startup Collects Frequent Flyer Miles For Families Of Terminally Sick

    If you're doing a lot of travel this holiday season, consider donating any extra frequent flier*miles*(/travel rewards/bonus miles) to The Extra Mile.*The nonprofit startup*collects donated frequent flyer miles and gives them to family and friends of terminally ill*patients so they can visit...
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    Terminally Ill Woman Wants To Die But Religious Parents Won’t Let Her: Who’s Right?

    Grace Sung Eun Lee*is terminally ill and paralyzed from the neck down. She's totally dependent on a breathing tube and a feeding tube. She is limited to communicating with her eyes. And she wants to die. But her parents won't let her. It's a case that is complicated, but does it really need to...
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    New Research - Some Terminally Ill Patients Don't Understand The Medical Decisions Th

    Compassion in Dying and the award-winning patient information website http://www.healthtalkonline.org are holding a seminar Towards shared decision making at the end of life on Thursday 20th September. New research entitledHow do people approach decision making at end of life? will be launched...
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    So if Jade goody is diagnosed as terminally ill at 27?

    How come your not to have a smear until your 25. Would it have been caught earlier if you could have them say I dunno at 18.