
  1. T

    Rockets, cliffs, and thugs oh my - Dec 13,2012

    Today we talk about N Korea launching a 3 stage rocket. More on the fiscal cliff. and why do liberals no believe in a right to choice? Listen to the Jeff Perry Show Live 6 am Monday - Friday and then all day on demand: Keep up with what is going on...
  2. B

    Do Union Thugs realize that no matter how much they whine and stomp, there

    is still no money to pay them? Should we start a program to introduce liberals to the miracle of math?
  3. B

    Hey Wisconsin Union Thugs - Still think the Tea Party is a joke?

    How is that joke now? Looks like its on you ?
  4. O

    'Why should the taxpayer fund the higher education of these thugs?' Are they...

    ...talking about the police? Because if the police had a bit of education they might stop acting like thugs. I'd say the 57 students injured yesterday by police is the real issue. The media focus on the violence, ignoring the peaceful protesters the amount of violence increases the media focus...
  5. A

    Which Youtube video makes fun of internet thugs?

    it has a bunch of pictures of wanna be gangster white boy's and the lyrics are about myspace gangsters having techs and having sex with little girls hahah please help me out here. ITS NOT IMA GANGSTER
  6. B

    Why was the lefts DC rally, socialist, communist and union thugs?

    You all keep saying 0bama is American I did not see one Real American there at there nasty party. Omission Watch: Communist, Socialist 'Partners' of One Nation Protest Left Out of News Accounts Read more...
  7. A

    Kungfu vs Taekwondo vs judo/BJJ for self defense against untrained thugs?

    I am looking for something to learn for self defense I am not really worried about trained fighters or even experienced street thugs just more or less something for your average guy who picks a lot of fights I try to talk my way out of things but that does not always work. Krav Maga/systema...
  8. M

    Is it Karma that thugs stole and stripped Jesse Jacksons Cadillac SUV while he was?

    BSing about green jobs? Add Jesse Jackson’s ride to prominent vehicles being stripped in Detroit. Following the embarrassing news that Mayor Dave Bing’s GMC Yukon was hijacked by criminals this week, Detroit’s Channel 7 reports that the Reverend’s Caddy Escalade SUV was stolen and stripped of...
  9. G

    Do you think this generation - Generation X- Generation of thugs, gays, and

    party animals is even worth Saving? Republicans - Face it - Kids coming up now are more liberal than any other generation in the past and nothing you can do about it. All you really can do is raise your kids how you see fit and hope and pray that they don't go astray.
  10. B

    Will a bunch of SEIU goons and ACORN thugs administer the $20 billion escrow

    fund to pay claims against BP? How much fraud and waste will there be if such a fund is established and run by federal bureaucrats?
  11. B

    Will a bunch of SEIU goons and ACORN thugs administer the $20 billion escrow

    fund to pay claims against BP? How much fraud and waste will there be if such a fund is established and run by federal bureaucrats?
  12. W

    What song did these group of thugs played in their Black suv ?

    In the movie called "8 Miles". I would like to know the name of the song and played by whom, when these thugs arrived at "Rabbit"'s Trailer Park in their black suv with loud music with a clear bass thumping. When Rabbit told his sister to go inside the trailer and then" Rabbit" got jumped by a...
  13. R

    Thugs throwing away money?

    Were any of you behind the police chasing the thugs who were throwing money out and if so what was your take?
  14. H

    In GTA IV, when/why do thugs shoot at the Mr. Tasty truck?

    I was driving through S. Bohan in the Mr. Tasty truck, playing some Mr. Tasty tunes. I was driving though a ghetto when suddenly a car with 4 guys rammed into me and all 4 guys started shooting. I specifically heard one of them yell, "TURN THAT SHIT OFF!" or something to that effect. It was...