tobacco or nicotine

  1. F

    How long is the tobacco/nicotine in ones system?

    My friend just took a At Home Marijuana test and passed it showing 2 lines (1 faint and 1 very strong) meaning negative for the substance but they also have to be Tobacco-free. Unfortunately we couldn't get a Tobacco test like the Marijuana and its been about 2 weeks (at least) plus, since the...
  2. N

    how many times does tobacco/nicotine get you high?

    ive heard cigarettes get you high for a little while but when your get use to them and Addicted to them the buzz (high) goes become hooked,wasting money,bad breathe,yellow nails,more..
  3. A

    how long does it take for tobacco/nicotine to go away after you quit?

    im just wondering i smoked for 3 years and quit it was hard the craving is how long does it take for the tobacco/nicotine black stuff to come out of your lungs? or does it stay forever? oh well my lungs arent that bad for just 3 years compared to my dad hes been smoking for 36...
  4. A

    does Tobacco/Nicotine stay in your lungs forever even if you quit?

    liek the black wet stuff in your lungs??
  5. D

    Any positive effects with tobacco/nicotine?

    none at all just don't go there in the long run its not worth it put the money toy would spend on a pack of cigarettes a day way and you will soon have a fortune and your health simples
  6. C

    Any positive effects with tobacco/nicotine?

  7. Q

    Does tobacco/nicotine stunt your growth?

    Ok, I know that smoking can stunt your lung growth. However, I do not smoke, I dip. So is that gonna do anything to my final height/weight or slow it down? and dont give me anti-tobacco facts