
  1. K

    what are the global predictions of wind turbine energy producing technology...

    ...in the future? prices, availibility , efficiency . any concrete sources or articles would be much appreciated
  2. G

    Helium-filled, high-altitude wind turbine prototype unveiled

    An American company, Altaeros Energies, recently launched a prototype helium-shelled wind turbine that can be used at high altitudes. While the test run took place at 350ft above ground, the ultimate goal is a height of 1,000ft. Tethers send the converted power back to the ground. Compared with...
  3. A

    What's the movie where a truck is cut in half by a wind turbine?

    I can't remember much of it other then that it was on tv, and possibly has more then 1 part I.e possibly a tv series? Please help
  4. J

    whats the difference between a wind turbine and wind generator?

    comparison and contrasting of wind turbines and wind generators.
  5. I

    Efficient design for wind turbine blades?

    Which blade design on a wind turbine would be most effective in spinning? And how many blades? Flat blades? Curved in towards the wind source? Or anything else? Please help, this is for a project im doing for fun, thus it is fairly small scale (the turbine diameter would be around a foot or so).
  6. C

    i am doing this wind turbine lab report and are seeing how the size of the blades

    affect the power it produces? the lab is tomoro the iv is size the dv is power we calculate power by getting voltage and amperage please help
  7. D

    How do I get about 200 helicopter turbine hours?

    I have 430 total helicopter hours and 320 turbine (Bell 206), I need about 200 more turbine hours to get this job. What is the best way to go about this???