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    Wrapping up Sloan 2013: Larry Sanders, Stan Van Gundy, playing with leads, looking ar

    After four days spent in Boston to cover the 2013 Sloan Sports Analytics Conference, I came away with a bunch of things to write about, like the difficulty analysts (and writers) have in communicating their findings in a way that will get other people on-board, the problems with banking too much...
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    Hair Wrapping Newbie Question?

    Recently, I've been intrigued by hair wrapping, however, I do not have African-American hair, and frankly, after hours of searching through web page upon web page, I have yet to find a tutorial for my hair type. I have naturally straight hair that is about 3-5 inches longer than shoulder...
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    Morning Links: Upcycled Christmas Wrapping Ideas For A Green Holiday

    • Green Christmas inspiration:*upcycled Christmas goodie bags. (Celebrations) • Watch what would happen if men and women switched roles at the gym. (Greatist) • Try this breathing exercise to melt away stress. (HuffPost GPS For The Soul) • These 12 … More » Morning Links: Upcycled Christmas...
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    Teeing Off: Wrapping up the PGA Championship

    Welcome to Teeing Off, where Devil Ball editor Jay Busbee and head writer Jonathan Wall take a day's topic and smack it all over the course. Suggest a future topic by writing [email protected], or hit us on Twitter at @jaybusbee and @jonathanrwall. Today, we wrap up the season's last major...
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    Green Your Gifting: Use Eco-Friendly Fabric Instead Of Wrapping Paper

    Each year, millions of Americans engage in a tradition of giving and receiving, as they celebrate the holidays with an exchange of presents wrapped in colorful paper--and then throw the paper away. In fact, according to the EPA, between shopping bags and gift wrap, we produce about 4 million...
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    How do i wrap a Nintendo game cover with a wrapping paper?

    i bought my freind a nintendo game im asking for how to wrap it up a video will be fine or instructions
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    How do i wrap a Nintendo game cover with a wrapping paper?

    i bought my freind a nintendo game im asking for how to wrap it up a video will be fine or instructions
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    Will saran wrapping a car make the alarm go off?

    My friends and I are playing a valentine's prank on our old teacher and we want to saran wrap her car. Will it make the alarm go off?