Calf muscled contracting continuously, feels like leg is going to explode or tear...


New member
Feb 8, 2009
...tendons. What is happening? The other day i was working out (stretched, hydrated, stretched after) and then when i was done and walking back to my car every step when i put my foot down my calfs would do a quick contraction, it felt like an electrical pulse was shot threw my calf muscle each time, or like someone was punching me from inside my leg. Then after a few steps they that pulse became one continuous contraction in each of my calf muscles. Luckily there was a bench right where i was at the time, other wise i would have fell over in a snow bank because my feet pointed strait out contracting as hard as they possibly could. I tried to pull them back but they were both locked in a pointed position and i dont think anything could have bent them they were flexing so hard. The pain was like an intense electrical current running threw my calves, if you were to watch the hulk or someother movie or comic book where someone begins to mutate into something else and it looks extremly painful as muscles and things rearrange themselves into something new. also i legitimaitly thought they were going to contract so hard that they were going to tear off my bone. So here i am sitting on this bench for 2 or 3 minutes with this intense pain trying to look normal and i am getting kind of scared not sure what to do. finnaly they begin to losen and i can walk again. But then after a minute of walking the same thing happens, every step it pulses. So i had to dive into my car and the same thing happened again. That was the last time it happend and the next day i could barely walk they were so sore. Any idea what this is exactly. I dont really care about the reason why, but what was actually going on and when that happens if it is possible for some serious injury (ie torn tendons or muscles) to occour.