Correcting misconceptions


Apr 16, 2012
Some Christians claim that pigs are not forbidden in Christianity, and they deduce this with flimsy evidence

It’s not what goes into your mouth that defiles you; you are defiled by the words that come out of your mouth.”
((Matthew 15:11 ►)

In fact, this saying has nothing to do with banning pigs or not, but rather as part of a response to the Jews when they reproached the disciples of Jesus for not washing their hands before eating. On the contrary, the intention of the Lord Christ with his words is to show that moral impurity is far more dangerous than physical impurity.

” Peter said, “Explain the parable to us.” “Are you still so dull?” Jesus asked them. “Don’t you see that whatever enters the mouth goes into the stomach and then out of the body? But the things that come out of a person’s mouth come from the heart, and these defile them. For out of the heart come evil thoughts—murder, adultery, sexual immorality, theft, false testimony, slander. These are what defile a person; but eating with unwashed hands does not defile them.”

Matthew 15:11-20

1. Pork prohibited in Qur’an
The Qur’an prohibits the consumption of pork in no less than 4 different places.
It is prohibited in 2:173, 5:3, 6:145 and 16:115.
“Forbidden to you (for food) are: dead meat, blood, the flesh of swine,
and that on which hath been invoked the name of other than Allah.”
[Al-Qur’an 5:3]
The above verses of the Holy Qur’an are sufficient to satisfy a Muslim as to why
pork is forbidden.

2. Pork prohibited in the Bible
The Christian is likely to be convinced by his religious scriptures. The Bible
prohibits the consumption of pork, in the book of Leviticus
“And the swine, though he divide the hoof, and be cloven footed, yet he cheweth
not the cud; he is unclean to you”.
“Of their flesh shall ye not eat, and their carcass shall ye not touch,
they are unclean to you.” [Leviticus 11:7-8]
Pork is also prohibited in the Bible in the book of Deuteronomy
“And the swine, because it divideth the hoof, yet cheweth not the cud,
it is unclean unto you

The laws of God are one from Adam to Muhammad, peace be upon them
the worship of the One God (the Father) and not of a human being or an idol or anything you can imagine
and Prohibition of fornication, alcohol and pork

Dr Zakir Naik proved that having Pork is prohibited haraam in Islam as well as in Christianity

لماذا ناقض بولس التلاميذ في قوانين الطعام والشريعة؟
qibla change in islam

There are 2 billion Muslims in the world, and each time they pray, they turn their faces in one direction, towards Mecca. The Islamic term for this direction is qibla. When a Muslim prepares to pray, no matter where he is, he turns towards the qibla, the direction of the Kaba. The Kaba is a small cube shaped building in the courtyard of the mosque known as Masjid Al Haram, in the city of Mecca, in the country of Saudi Arabia.

“For every nation there is a direction to which they face (in their prayers). So hasten towards all that is good. Wheresoever you may be, God will bring you together (on the Day of Resurrection). Truly, God is Able to do all things. And from wheresoever you start forth (for prayers), turn your face in the direction of Al-Masjid-al-Haram (at Mecca), that is indeed the truth from your Lord. And God is not unaware of what you do.” (Quran 2:148-149)

Muslims do not worship the Kaba, or its contents, it is simply a focal point. Muslims worship One God, the Most Merciful, and the Most Wise. God decreed that when Muslims pray they all face one direction. It is a sign of unity that encapsulates the unity embedded in the religion of Islam.

The Arabic word for prayer is salah and it demotes a connection between the believer and God; when all believers face the same direction it adds an extra dimension to the connection. The prayer connects the believers to God and the qibla connects the believers to one another. It has been said that if one could observe all the Muslims at prayer we would be able to see lines of worshippers bowing and prostrating like the petals of a flower opening and closing in unison.

The qibla was not always oriented towards Mecca. The first Muslims prayed towards the al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. Around sixteen months after Prophet Muhammad and his followers migrated from Mecca to the city of Medina, the qibla was changed to the Kaba. According to accounts by Prophet Muhammad's companions, the change happened very suddenly. During the noon prayer, Prophet Muhammad, may the mercy and blessings of God be upon him, received a revelation from God instructing him to, "Turn your face towards the Masjid al Haram".

“Thus, we have made you real believers in Islamic Monotheism, true followers of Prophet Muhammad and his legal ways, a just nation, witnesses over mankind and the Messenger a witness over you. And We made the Qibla (prayer direction towards Jerusalem) which you used to face, only to test those who followed the Messenger from those who would turn on their heels (i.e. disobey the Messenger). Indeed, it was great (heavy) except for those whom God guided. And God would never make your prayers to be lost (i.e. your prayers offered towards Jerusalem). Truly, God is full of kindness, the Most Merciful towards humankind.”

“Verily! We have seen the turning of your (Muhammad) face towards the heaven. Surely, We shall turn you to a Qibla (prayer direction) that shall please you, so turn your face in the direction of Al-Masjid- al-Haram (at Mecca). And wheresoever you people are, turn your faces (in prayer) in that direction...” (Quran 2:143-144)

Changing the direction of prayer establishes Mecca as the fixed central point for worship. It establishes a common sense or purpose.

Throughout the centuries, mathematicians and astronomers have established correct ways to determine the qibla (direction) from any point on the earth’s surface. There are two precise moments each year when the sun is directly above the Kaba, thus the direction of shadows in any sunlit place will point away from the qibla. There are also two moments per year when the sun is directly over the exact opposite position of the Kaba, thus pointing towards the qibla.

It is important the Muslims make every effort to face the right direction when praying; however, slight deviations do not invalidate a person’s prayer. Prophet Muhammad said, “What is between the east and the west is qibla”.[1] Nowadays it is easy to locate the qibla. It is a simple matter to look at a map and draw a line between your location and the city of Mecca. Compasses and computer programs that locate the qibla are readily available and most mosques throughout the world have a niche in the wall to indicate the qibla.

Islam is a religion of unity. Muslims are united by their belief in One God. They are one brotherhood united in the language and ritual of prayer and united by the direction of their worship. The qibla is not only about degrees of latitude or longitude it is about unity. It is about humankind united in the worship of the One God, Creator, and Sustainer of the universe

[h=1]مسيحي يتحدى المسلمين أن يروه نبوءات لسيدنا محمد فجاءه الرد[/h]
Change Of Qibla From Jerusalem To Kaaba By Nouman Ali

Concept of Aqeeda e Risalat in the light of Incident of Change of Qibla by Tahir ul Qadri


Cartel Bosses are Stunned How Islam is Changing its Members!

American NFL Superstar Jeremiah Owusu-Koramoah Converts to Islam
All the prophecies mentioned in the Old Testament regarding Muhammad (pbuh) besides applying to the Jews also hold good for the Christians.

1. John chapter 14 verse 16:“And I will pray the Father, and he shall give you another Comforter, that he may abide with you forever.”

2. Gospel of John chapter 15 verse 26:“But when the Comforter is come, whom I will send unto you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, whichproceedeth from the Father, he shall testify of me.”

3.Gospel of John chapter 16 verse 7: “Nevertheless I tell you the truth; it is expedient for you that I go away: for if I go not away, the Comforter will not come unto you; but if I depart, I will send him unto you”.

“Ahmed” or “Muhammad” meaning “the one who praises” or “the praised one” is almost the translation of theGreek word Periclytos. In the Gospel of John 14:16, 15:26, and 16:7. The word ‘Comforter’ is used in the English translation for the Greek word Paracletos which means advocate or a kind friend rather than a comforter.Paracletos is the warped reading for Periclytos. Jesus (pbuh) actually prophesised Ahmed by name. Even theGreek word Paraclete refers to the Prophet (pbuh) who is a mercy for all creatures.

Some Christians say that the Comforter mentioned in these prophecies refers to the Holy Sprit. They fail to realisethat the prophecy clearly says that only if Jesus (pbuh) departs will the Comforter come. The Bible states that theHoly Spirit was already present on earth before and during the time of Jesus (pbuh), in the womb of Elizabeth, and again when Jesus (pbuh) was being baptised, etc. Hence this prophecy refers to none other than Prophet Muhammad (pbuh).

4. Gospel of John chapter 16 verse 12-14: “I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth is come, he will guide you unto all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, that shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come. He shall glorify me”.The Sprit of Truth, spoken about in this prophecy referes to none other than Prophet Muhammad (pbuh)

قصة جميلة ليهودية اعتنقت الإسلام | من اليهودية إلى الإسلام

The Absolute TruthAbout Muhammad in the Bible

هل نبوءة أشعياء 42 عن النبيّ محمد؟ - حوار حمزة مع جوزيف اليهودي

Is the prophecy of Isaiah 42 about the Prophet Muhammad? Hamza's dialogue with Joseph the Jew
cleanliness is not only limited to the physical aspect but also extends to the environment. Muslims are required to keep their surroundings clean and pure. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) taught that a person’s cleanliness is half of their faith. He also emphasized the importance of cleaning one’s home, removing any impurities and keeping it tidy.

In Islam, personal hygiene is considered an essential part of maintaining good health. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) advised Muslims to brush their teeth regularly, trim their nails, and groom themselves. He also encouraged Muslims to take a bath regularly and wear clean clothes.

Islam also teaches the importance of maintaining cleanliness in food and drink. Muslims are required to consume only halal (permissible) food and avoid eating or drinking anything that is considered impure. Muslims are also encouraged to wash their hands before and after eating, and to use clean utensils.

Cleanliness is a fundamental teaching of Islam, and it is considered an essential aspect of the religion. Muslims are required to maintain a high level of personal hygiene and cleanliness in their surroundings. The teachings of Islam emphasize the importance of cleanliness for physical and spiritual purity, good health, and the attainment of peace and tranquility.
The Significance of Cleanliness in Islam:

Cleanliness holds great significance in Islam, and it is considered one of the fundamental teachings of the religion. Islam places great emphasis on cleanliness as it is believed to be a key component of faith. Here are some of the reasons why cleanliness is significant in Islam:

1. Spiritual purity: In Islam, cleanliness is linked to spiritual purity. Muslims are required to perform ablution (Wudu) before prayer to purify themselves both physically and spiritually.

2. Health and well-being: Cleanliness is essential for maintaining good health and well-being. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized the importance of personal hygiene, such as regular bathing, washing hands before eating, and brushing teeth.

3. Environmental cleanliness: Islam teaches Muslims to maintain a clean and healthy environment. The Prophet Muhammad (peace be upon him) emphasized keeping one’s home and surroundings clean, free from litter and waste.

4. Respect for others: Maintaining cleanliness is a sign of respect for oneself and others. Muslims are taught to keep themselves and their surroundings clean to prevent the spread of diseases and illnesses.

5. Social interactions: Cleanliness plays an important role in social interactions. Muslims are encouraged to maintain good personal hygiene, wear clean clothes, and keep their homes and surroundings clean to enhance their social interactions and relationships.

Cleanliness is significant in Islam as it is linked to spiritual purity, health, well-being, respect for oneself and others, and social interactions. Muslims are encouraged to maintain cleanliness in all aspects of their lives, from personal hygiene to environmental cleanliness. By doing so, they not only fulfill a religious obligation but also promote good health and well-being for themselves and their community

لماذا تستنجون بورق المرحاض وليس بالماء؟ - حوار منصور مع ملحدين
Why do you use toilet paper and not water? Mansour's dialogue with atheists

Jewish Scholar TESTS Prophet Muhammad ﷺ AFTER THAT HE ACCEPTS ISLAM

Christian Lady RAISED BY NUNS converts to Islam RIGHT NOW!

Why Jay Left The Mormon Church and Accepted Islam (What They Believe)

مختصر موضوع هل القرآن كلام الله - ذاكر نايك Zakir Naik
Most Christians who throw away the old testament easily, if a Muslim rejects a single verse in the Quran he becomes a kafir (non-Muslim).

Problem is most don't follow the 10 commandments, especially today. I have a Christian co-worker who loves to tell me the religion is evil. But I've caught him in multiple lies, seen him steal from the company and he cheats on his wife.

People can reject it all the way to the grave but the One who sent the Torah, Injeel and Quran is the same deity. The God of Abraham. Of course you are gonna find similar rules, at-least with what man has not managed to edit.

Why did God send prophets such as Moses, Jesus and Muhammad, peace be upon them?

To warn us against following the polytheists and atheists who are corrupt in the land and those who doubt the path and the straight path of God, who cares about the interest of the whole society.

Freedom in thinking and creativity does not mean deviating from God’s commandments, and every person does what he wants according to his personal whims, even if the person harms himself or others.

Because in this case, the criteria for good and bad will differ from one person to another
What seems true to you will seem incorrect to another person because the constant criterion is personal interest only

Homosexuality is a deviation and destruction of offspring in the land and has serious medical damage to both parties

But for some people, homeopathy is harmless
And agree his personal interest

is actually the logic behind why Catholics believe in a realm or state called "Limbo", because of infants dying they are not pure enough to enter into heaven because of inheriting Original Sin, so they are in this in-between state until the day of judgement. Purgatory is similar but doesn't have the same pre-mortal aspects to it.

We on the other hand believe in Fitrah, that the soul is created pure and that it is the interaction with sin in the world, and temptations of Shaitan (Satan) that makes it needing of repentance - which is also why God sends Prophets and messengers to give us the map of salvation.
We do believe in an intermediate state, called Barzakh, but it doesn't function like the intermediate states in Christian theology.
In Islamic theology, a soul is accountable only for it's own actions, whether it is good or bad to itself or towards others.

A large number of Filipino soldiers pronounce the Shahada and convert to Islam

أحد أشهر الباحثين الأمريكيين يدخل الإسلام ويتصدى للإلحاد بالقرآن – Reputable Doctor Refutes Atheism!

UK Gangster Reveals the Real Reason Why prisoners Convert to Islam

U.S. Military Officer's Fascinating Journey to Islam

Muay Thai World Champion Shocked the World by Unexpected Conversion!

A Muslim's Smile Transformed this Film Director's Life Forever
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Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon himworshiped God (the Father) alone, like Christ and all the prophets before him

Christ said

3 Now this is eternal life: that they know you, the only true God, and Jesus Christ, whom you have sent.

John 17:3

Christ did not claim divinity and restricted divinity to God (the Father) alone
He did not say that he is a god or that the Holy Spirit is a god

Prophet Muhammad, peace be upon him despised false worship to any man-made gods or images or anything in creation as a god. He hated all of the complexities and degradation to which it leads.

This is in direct obedience to the second commandment "Thou shalt not make any graven images."

But we find pictures and statues in churches, and some Christians prostrate to the statue of Jesus and prostrate to the statue of Mary

Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, performed these same ceremonies in worship to what we find the prophets doing before him, bowing to toward the ground and prostrating (falling on the face) while praying and worshipping.

Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, never drank alcohol or strong drink, even though it was a very normal thing for people of his time and place.

"O you believers! Intoxicating drinks, gambling, fortune telling, etc. is the hated work of the devil. So stay away from all of that horrible stuff, that you will be successful."

From Atheist to Imam! - Stressful Shahadah Moments! @UTICAMASJID

I Wanted To Kill Muslims — Now I Am One | AJ+

Most Feared Yakuza Gangster Becomes a Muslim

U.S. Soldier Converts To Islam
The request for forgiveness must be from God (the Father) directly, without intermediaries who cannot forgive themselves

Christ also asked the Father for forgiveness directly

Your book is distorted and you follow Paul, who destroyed the original Christian doctrine

The straw that broke the camel's back came when the Pope issued in Rome huge quantities of indulgences, which he signed and stamped with the official seal, to be sold to the public who wished to be forgiven for the sins they had committed.

The Pope's representative would go around the cities and villages selling indulgences that erased the buyer's sins because the Pope He is God's representative in this world, and God must honor His promise of forgiveness.

When this idea succeeded in hoarding huge amounts of silver and gold for the church, the Pope’s mind developed another idea: purchasing indulgences in the name of dead relatives in order to help them enter the Kingdom of Heaven. This was the straw that made the German priest Martin Luther write his book “95 Theses” in 1517.

P 1 يدخلون الإسلام أفواجاً - شمسي

هل ستدخل الجنة الأم تريزا والطبيب مجدى يعقوب والصالحين في الدنيا من النصارى والملل الأخرى ؟

لماذا الإسلام يحرم الشذوذ! طالبة بريطانية وشمسي

احمد ديدات كيف يتيقن المسلمون من المغفرة ودخولهم الجنه

Luke 18:19 ““And Jesus said unto him, Why callest thou me good? none is good, save one, that is, God.”

Here I will quote what the Dictionary of the Bible says: (When the Bible ascribes perfection to a person, as the revelation says about Job: called Job. This man was upright . He feared God and shunned evil."

it does not mean absolute perfection, like God

. And I say: Yea, when the book is ascribed to Christ as being good, it is not for his perfection and righteousness as God, but as a man

Christ is the Messenger of God

: The conclusion
in itself is forbidden in the religion of Christianity by the text of Christ, peace be upon him, upon him according to the Bible, where he says:

• Trust in the Lord with all your heart
and lean not on your own understanding;
in all your ways submit to him,
and he will make your paths straight.[a]
. (Proverbs 3:5-6).

يهودي يقول انت مخطأ محمد حجاب - ركن المتحديثين Speaker's corner

شاب كاره للإسلام يقول لمنصور إن جهاد الطلب هو الح


هكذا يختلف الإسلام عن باقي الديانات - منصور في حوار مع شاب غير مسلمل
Tears of faith! A woman and her lover convert to Islam in a very touching situation that made her cry bitterly!

🇮🇪👩🏻🦰 An Irish woman left Christianity and thought that Islam was not for her until she saw Sheikh Othman! Something unexpected happened!

When they kept on questioning him, he straightened up and said to them, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her.”
◄ John 8:7 ►

The story of the harlot in the Bible is fabricated and incorrect and was not found in early manuscripts

There is complete consensus that this story is added to the Gospel of John among scholars

The Gospel of John is the only one of the 4 Gospels of the New Testament to have retained this episode of the adulterous woman, and this selection was not unanimous since the episode is absent from several manuscripts

The fact is there are 40,000 Christian sects. We can fill a football stadium with Christians, every one of them can have different beliefs. Every one of them calling themselves Christian. Every one of them having Different beliefs then you.
Can you not wrap your head around how insane this is?

How anyone can argue the Bible is not changed today is amazing honestly. Seriously, they literally continue to change it even today!

Consider the prophets, some who actually spoke to God, committing incest and worshiping idols.

“’How can you say, “We are wise, for we have the law of the LORD,” when actually the lying pen of the scribes has handled it falsely? (Jeremiah 8: Cool

20,000 changes!!
Why do you chose to live in denial? What does the Bible say about bearing false witness?
we are at a point where Biblical scholars say the Bible is changed.

Indeed the Bible remains but how much of it is original? I can personally guarantee God did not give the Jews permission to lend on interest.

While whats in it that is original, how much of that is ignored? Such as 32 separate verses forbidding the consumption of pork?

How about all those verses where Jesus says he can do nothing but still you ascribe divinity to him?
90 Biblical verses refute your core beliefs Red. God is not the author of confusion.

Im not surprised . Go back to 300 AD and the council of Nicea declared the prophet Jesus to be god incarnate. Shouldering right up with other pagan, 3 in 1 faiths in the vicinity.

This was the day when the devil took the reigns.. So why would i be surprised that 1700 years later there are more then 2000 Bibles?

Wanna hear something interesting ? Did you know Jews are allowed to pray in a masjid... But are forbidden to pray in a church?

. Jews consider you pagan and thier prayers to the God of Abraham would not be accepted if offered in a church.

Facinating. Isnt it? Kinda like you with your Christmas tree while the Bible calls it futile.

People hear what they want to.

The Bible has been changed and changed and mistranslation are 2 completely different things. Don't the 10 commandments forbid lying? Why is it that so many Christians try to deceive? Honestly it is changed even today as we live and breathe.

The truth is you worship a man who is constantly referred to as prophet in your book. A man who literally cried to God to save him in your book. A man who literally worshiped God in your book

ليس هناك مشكله في زنا المحارم _انجليزية ، هاشم وزائر - ركن المتحدثين - Speaker's corner

أنصار المثليين حاولو *يهاجمو الإسلام - شمسي Speaker's corner

كيف تجرؤ أن تقل لي هذا؟ - شبير أحمد ويهودي

شاب محترم يسأل عباس عن مِلك اليمين في الإسلام وإجابة رائع

The calendar year of Islam begins not with the birthday of our prophet (peace be upon him) not from the time that the revelation came to him (Bethat) nor from the time of his ascension to heaven, but with the migration (Hijra) from an undesirable environment into a desirable place to fulfill Allah's command. It was migration from a plot that was set by the leaders of the Quraysh who were plotting to kill prophet Muhammad, and to destroy the truth that today is being conveyed to mankind everywhere against tyranny and injustice. Their purpose was to destroy the foundation of the Islamic state, the Sunnah of the tradition of the prophet, and to prevent the revelation being delivered by Allah's messenger to mankind.

The Islamic calendar is reckoned from the time of migration (Hijra) of Prophet Mohammad (Peace Be Upon Him) from Mecca to Madina. The Prophet's decision to migrate from Mecca came after several years of inhuman treatment of the faithful by the powerful tribes who were united despite all their feuds to stop the spread of Islam.

Prophet Mohammad's decision to leave Mecca coincided with the infidel's plan to assassinate him. In 622 AD, the Quresh tribesmen held a meeting and decided that a band of young men, one from each tribe, should assassinate Prophet Mohammad collectively so that their responsibility for the murder could not be placed on any particular tribe.

On the eventful night, the Prophet asked his cousin Ali Ben Abutalib to take his place in bed to make the Meccans think that he was asleep. The Prophet himself slipped out unobserved alongwith his loyal follower Abu Bakr (who was chosen as the first C aliph after the death of the prophet). They secretly made their way to a cave named Thawr, not far from Mecca and lay in hiding there for a day or two until Abu Bakr's son reported that the search for him had been given up. Then the two set out from Madina on camel back. They reached Quba, on the edge of the Madina oasis, on 12th Rabiul Awwal. With Mohammad's arrival in Quba a new phase of his career and glory of Islam started.

This migration has a special significance in the history of Islam. It ended the Meccan period of humiliation and torture and began the era of success. His own people to whom he preached Islam for 13 years neglected the Prophet of Islam. But he was cordially received in Madina as an honored chief.

In Madina his power enhanced day by day. Here he was not only the religious leader but took the role of a politician and statesman too. Prophet Mohammad expired ten years after his migration to Madina but only in one decade he changed the course of human history.

In view of this special significance of the Prophet's migration the consultative body advised the Second Islamic Caliph, Omar ben Khattab, to start the Islamic year from the date of migration of the Prophet from Mecca to Madina.

According to early Moslem scholars, Abu Musa Al Shari drew attention of Omar to an improperly dated debenture or IOU which was payable in the month of Shaban but it was not clear which Shaban was actually meant, the present one or the coming one. Omar called the dignitaries for consultation who made several suggestions to begin the Islamic calendar.

Ali (who later became the fourth caliph) suggested the Hijra as the beginning of the Islamic year with Moharram as its first month. Consequently, Caliph Omar in 21 A.H. or 641 A.D introduced the Islamic calendar in its present form.


The guidance about the Islamic calendar is taken from the following verses from the Holy Quran: (In the name of GOD most gracious and most merciful)

"Lo the number of the months with God is twelve months." IX:36.

"They ask thee, of new moons. Say: They are fixed seasons for mankind and for the pilgrimage." II:189.

"He it is who appointed the sun a splendor and the moon a light, and measured for her stages, that ye might know the number of the years, and the reckoning." X:5

The Islamic Calendar of 12 Lunar Months is determined by observation of the new moon with no effort by intercalation (addition) or other means to synchronize the Lunar year with the Solar year.

Life Of The Final Messenger - Muhammad pbuh (Seerah) - 12 Hijrah (Migration) - Mufti Ismail Menk

24 - The Migration of The Prophet - The Prophetic Life in Focus - Sh. Abdul-Rahim Reasat

From Preaching Against Islam to Becoming a Muslim!

Asking Japanese Muslims Why They Converted To Islam

Lessons Learnt from the Leadership of Prophet Muhammad (pbuh) in Uniting the Muslim Ummah - Dr Zakir Naik

Pastor tells CHRISTIANS to Go to the Mosque!

Canadian Actor Drew Davis Leaves Hollywood for Islam!

Muslims destroyed Christian Prince's Entire Career!

Someone told me
Thanks for sharing info, I know what your point is. I am just throwing my opinion.
One can’t just compare Jesus with current day Christians. One need to understand the dominant race in Christianity and their background, how they accepted this religion and how it impacted their daily lives.
Jesus was a Prophet, like Abraham, Moses and Muhammed peace be upon them.

The Christians of today's days are product of Roman Empire’s conveniently adoption of Jesus’ religion in 3rd century.
The Europeans had a mixed and scattered culture for thousands of years, with pagan beliefs and other fairy tales dominating the landscape.
With the advent of Christianity in Europe, the locals adopted the religion very quickly, as it did not confronted with their life styles and culture.

Under Constantine who imported (officially) the religion in Europe, Romans ensured that the new religion is in full compliance to their culture and rituals.
For example, during the counsel of Nicaea several aspects of belief systems were standardized before masses (of Europe, non-Semitics, Caucasians) can have a hold onto different version of Bible or common daily life practices of Orthodox Jews. The East Bazentine, new Roman Empire to the central Europe and pockets of other areas in North were mainly pagan at that time. So sculptures, divine figures, certain celebrations, festivities were part of their social life. Moral values were as good as any other region of that time (The middle-east that had Jewish population and influence on others were considered very conservatives, so you can imagine what was going on in Europe), drinking and pork eating was normal and commonly practiced.

So the importer of the new religion made sure that standards set by Bible for Isrealites must not collide with the relaxed (no restrictions) attitude of Europeans towards religion. They customized the religion to best suite the new tenants that eventually became the torch bearer of Christianity within few centuries. The original followers and preachers fell in the background and eventually forgotten. The religion totally changed and took new course where the founder died for the sins, giving followers clean chit to do whatever they do, keep His sculpture in Church, follow the re-branded customs of pagans with renewed stories linked to Jesus for every celebration and festivals, drink and eat pork as before and create excuses (from Jesus’ life) for everything that they do against the Ten Commandments.

Sins Are Not Forgiven in Christianity

When the Muslim Armies Liberated Jerusalem with Prof. Dr. Mustafa Abu Sway

Englishman Who Became a Muslim Journalist with Robert Carter

She Discovers SECRETS of the Church in the Quran!

20 In the same way, after the supper he took the cup, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood, which is poured out for you.

But when we really come to the interpretation of this saying; I say very frankly: Who is the main source for this text?
One of the anonymous scribes, so Jesus did not see the New Testament

There is a text in the Acts of the Apostles that forbids blood:

Instead we should write to them, telling them to abstain from food polluted by idols, from sexual immorality, from the meat of strangled animals and from blood.

If he forbids what is sacrificed to idols and blood, then how can he said: “Here is my blood, drink it”?!

This paganism was transferred from the pagan worship that was prevalent in the Roman Empire at that time. The source or inspiration of this text is due to that widespread paganism, such as the Persian Mithraia, and one of its rituals was the Lord’s Supper, and it was on December 25, Christmas Day,

All of this is Persian paganism in the worship of Mithra, then the sign was changed from Mithra to Christ. Either we believe in the Law of Moses, which forbids the believer from blood, and thus this custom is invalid;

And Jesus said to them: When you have lifted up the Son of Man, then you will understand that I am he, and I do nothing on my own, but as my Father taught me,

The story of the crucifixion is completely undermined.

On this basis, we say: The text that talks about eating the body of Christ and drinking His blood is a text that was quoted from the pagan sources that were rampant in the Roman Empire at that time.

سأؤمن بالإله إن ظهر لي في السماء - حوار عباس مع ملحد متعجرف

مسيحي متعصب يهاجم داعيه مسلم باساله غير منطقيه

محمد حجاب يزلزل شرطة العاصمة لندن - ركن المتحدثين Speakers corner
إلهي لا يعاقب أي أحد _ منصور في حوار مع مسيحي 2_2

The Way of the Cross

34 Then he called the crowd to him along with his disciples and said: “Whoever wants to be my disciple must deny themselves and take up their cross and follow me. 35 For whoever wants to save their life will lose it, but whoever loses their life for me and for the gospel will save it. 36 What good is it for someone to gain the whole world, yet forfeit their soul? 37 Or what can anyone give in exchange for their soul? 38 If anyone is ashamed of me and my words in this adulterous and sinful generation, the Son of Man will be ashamed of them when he comes in his Father’s glory with the holy angels

The meaning of carrying the cross here is the readiness to sacrifice for the sake of God, not the crucifixion of Christ

And since Christ, peace be upon him, was an eastern man and spoke to an eastern people and in an eastern language, he often used to, as the Christian holy books show us, either he spoke to them with symbols, proverbs rhetorical

Because the sentence in its literal sense does not have a share of the mind, history or Jewish customs, and with greater clarity,

If Christ actually commanded his followers to carry his cross, then this means that every citizen of the Children of Israel has his cross.

We did not hear that, and the Jews did not keep crosses in their homes, which no historian has said since the days of Christ until the present day.

Moreover, Christ himself did not carry a cross, so he did not order those who wanted to follow him to carry a cross. What is the purpose, feasibility, or significance behind that?

That is, he tells them:

Whoever wants to follow me must know that he may be exposed to death every day, and he must be prepared for that, and he must not fear death,

And that is the Sunnah of God. Those who followed Moses, peace be upon him, and fled with him from Egypt, they knew that Pharaoh might catch up with some of them and kill them, and those who followed Muhammad, peace and blessings be upon him, knew that the infidels would plot against them and fight them, but they carried their crosses or prepared their shrouds or prepared to die in the cause of God

فتاة بريطانية تصدم والدها المسيحي بإعلان إسلامها أمامه، وتجعله عاجزاً عن الكلام

فتاة مذهولة من حقوق المرأة في الإسلام - ركن المتحدثين

زائر يسأل الشيخ عثمان : هل الشيعة مسلمون؟

The best evidence that the gospels and Acts of the Apostles are mere works of fiction is scientific or historical or literary evidence,

The Gospels of Matthew and Luke have been demonstrated conclusively to be based on the Gospel of Mark, which means that they should substantially agree with Mark, and that any significant contradictions can be attributed to witness errors. A similar standard applies to the Gospel of John. When we compare the four New Testament gospels and find contradictions, as we do, then we know those contradictions arose from the imaginations of the author or authors.

We can even establish by literary analysis that the original New Testament gospel was a work of fiction. Rhoads, Dewey and Michie point out, in Mark as Story that the narrator would need to have had unlimited omniscience to know everything he wrote. They say:

The composer of this story has used sophisticated storytelling techniques, developed the characters and the conflicts, and built suspense with deliberateness, telling the story to generate certain insights and responses in the audience.

Literary evidence can also be used to demonstrate that the Acts of the Apostles is a work of fiction. For example, in An Introduction to the New Testament, Raymond E. Brown points to several problematic issues:

In his undisputed letters Paul gives us no information about the first missionary journey.

doubt has been raised about the Apollos episode at Ephesus as Lucan theologising

Since there is no confirmation in the undisputed (or even the pseudonymous) Pauline letters of the appeal to Caesar and the journey to Rome, some who challenge the historicity of Acts dismiss the account of Paul's hazardous sea journey in Acts 27:1-28:14 as novelistic fiction.

We can never verify the existence and martyrdom of Stephen, or the killing of James, son of Zebedee by Herod Agrippa

Arthur J. Bellinzoni takes this comment further, in The New Testament: An Introduction to Biblical Scholarship:

Whether this account [Acts 6] of the Hellenists and of Stephen's martyrdom reflects actual events in the history of the early church or is simply Lukan "theologized" history with little or no factual content is debated by equally competent scholars. The stories in Acts are permeated by literary, , leaving us with little confidence about details of the early history of the Jesus movement.

كاهن مستقبلي يحاول تنصير مسلم | محمد علي

ضربهم في موطنهم!🔥الشيخ عثمان في أكثر المناطق الأمريكية نصرانية دون خوف وآخر يخاف من زوجته😱✝️

هندوسيون يسألون عثمان بن فاروق عن الشيعة وطالبان

🔥😱مصري مسيحي يحاول إعاقة الدعوة❗️إلا أنه فشل أمام الشيخ عثمان! النقاش الذي أنهى الجدل

When Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) conquered Macca, All were forgiven and there were people who planed for his killing and would not miss an opportunity to harm him. He forgiven all and told them you are safe. Even Abu Sufyan who was a commander of Macca Army, was also forgiven.

He was always merciful even when people say bad things about him or threw garbage on him he told everyone whats wrong and right but with love yeah even when someine said someting against friends he corrects them he never said anything to hurt anyone ever

Prophet Muhammad’s anti-racist views are seen in his friendship with Bilal ibn Rabah, a black slave who rose to a leading position within the Muslim community of 7th century Arabia. One story relates how Muhammad defended Bilal after Abu Dharr Al-Ghifari, one of the Prophet’s companions, called Bilal “the son of a black woman.” Annoyed with this emphasis of identifying people by skin color, Muhammad criticized Abu Dharr by stating “you are the man who still has the traits of ignorance in him.” The Prophet’s reference to Abu Dharr’s ignorance refers to the “pre-Islamic” state of jahiliyyah, an Arabic term meaning “the state of ignorance of Divine guidance.”

The miracles of the Holy Quran amazed the world and the mistakes of the Christians’ book

معجزات القرءان الكريم أذهلت العالم وأخطاء كتاب النصارى

بابا الفاتيكان يطرد قس باحث عن الحقيقة من الكانيسة بسبب اسئلته المحرجه
Pope expels truth-seeking priest from church over embarrassing questions
God is perfect, has no flaws, knows everything

God was not born from a woman's vagina

God does not leave his creation to kill him

God does not eat, sleep, or defecate

God has no human imperfections

God does nothing that can harm his greatness

God has absolute power and follows no one

But Christ follows the will of God (the Father)

Christ did not know the time of the hour

People tried to kill him

He eats, sleeps and poops

Christ was born of a woman

God (the Father) is God alone and Christ is the prophet of God only and is not equal to God (the Father)

Why doesn't God come down to earth instead of the messengers?

The answer for us Muslims is in ‘Aaya 21:23, He is never to be questioned about any act of His while they( people) are to be questioned for their acts.

Allah has given us the messages through his own words in the Quran , and then appointed prophets and Messengers from among us to explain the verses to us. So it is not true that Allah has not conveyed the message Himself.

This whole issue goes back to whether we accept God as the Doer of everything. If we accept this principle that God is doing everything, it follows easily that He explains the Quran through His messenger. It is not the messenger who is doing the explaining, it is God. The messenger is just the means of communication – he is just delivering the message from God to us.

The danger is in forgetting that the guidance is from God and attributing it to the messenger. The messenger does not really guide or explain or purify. Those things happen through him in accordance with God’s will. God is the One who guides and explains and purifies.

“If you want to talk to Allah offer Salah. If you want Allah to talk to you read Quraan.”

The question was can Allah talk communicate with human beings.

So the answer is Yes, he can communicate and he does communicate by Salah and Quran.

P1 Perfection of God in Islam Vs the Bible! Shamsi and Visitor Speakers Corner

P2 Perfection Of God In Islam vs The Bible! Shamsi and Visitor Speakers Corner

Why Don't Allah come down on earth (Zakir Naik)

بروفيسور صيني يتقبل الهزيمة من الشيخ عثمان بعد أن كانت كل أبحاثه في الإنجيل

A Chinese professor accepts defeat from Sheikh Othman after all his research was in the Bible

someone told me

Thank you for your kind message about Muslims. My wife and I have looked at many different religions over the years. Both of us grew up Catholic and found it very lacking.

We started our search for God and proper worship to include so-called Protestant religions, Self Realization Fellowship, study of some eastern religions, even went to classes in Hebrew & studied Judaism (which we found to be lacking in belief of anything of an afterlife.

By good fortune our youngest daughter married an Egyptian and for the first time, at the age of 70 we were introduced to Islam, the only true religion we had ever known. Simple and very straightforward, leading us on a straight path

زوجان مؤدبان يسألان ش.عثمان بن فاروق عن الإسلام

نصارى يدعون ان إله المسلمين قام بالكذب في القرآن فأعطاهم الشيخ عثمان درساً لن ينسوه

الشيخ عثمان يحرج رجل يدعي انه يعلم الكثير عن الاسلام