help please?


New member
Apr 7, 2008
my tooth hurts the pain makes me want to chew on stuff. my ear, stomich, throat and ear hurt too - always hurts. there has been pain for a month. and the pain has gotton so bad that i cant sleep + im crying and screaming! please help. i have pea sized cavity ive had had reached a nerve (i think because now it hurts ALOT) and i want to se a dentist before this happenes-(I didnt see a dentist either. I thought it would just go away if I took pain pills and rubbed anbesol on it. Nope!. I had to be rushed to the ER with a bone infection that went down into my jaw!. I was screaming constantly for 7 hrs!!. They had to give me anti-biotics because they couldnt take out a "hot" or infected tooth. the next day I had to get an emergency root canal. I didnt have insurance.. They agreed to do a payment plan..It is now so worth it!. I have no more pain!!..)i want to know how i can get a dentist too look at me at midnight!! or should i call 911 or the emergancy room or just try to ignor it for now and go tomorow?