How do I confront this female friend who told me to take a hike in the midst...


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Nov 23, 2012
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...of an evening? This broad who is friend of mine is in country periodically and practically giving it away with the IOIs
She asked me to stay with her at her hotel
She said I would be sexy in bed
She invited me to her hotel to show her vacation photos

As mentioned, I didnt bang her- why is a seperate matter.

Now she was back in again ,now I was very much in the mood to do her .However she had some dude in tow and when I asked her discreetly if this dude is her current amour-she dismissed it claiming he was just a friend.She requested we meet up at the hotel for dinner and drinks(the dude wasnt in the plans)
We met up at her hotel bar (with the dude) and the plan for them to hit the showers.(She often shares rooms with dudes she doesnt bang-I didnt take her word for it ,I asked the dudes who I knew and yes -blue ball city)

Anyway while I am waiting for them ,I get this email
Hi, ***** is in the bathroom, Please call the room and say that you would like to leave. I would to be alone with him. Am sorry if I am being selfish, but I like him,I just want to see if him and I have something or not.

Back there ,all do is work but this is an opportunity for us be isolated.


Keep in mind , she is spending 3 days with him already

Anyway I retorted by saying
will do tuts but seriously you shouldve told me when I asked otherwise I wouldnt have bothered you at all!

I salvaged what I could of my dignity but would I be in this position if I had fucked her in the first place!

I suspect she knew that I did want to have sex with her and used me to make this guy jealous and when mission accomplished chucked me out

I have to confront her-but how ?
I agree with Robert, confrontation in this situation isn't really going to help..

You need to just cut her out of your life and move on, you'll soon forget about it all.
She's a whore, he's a horn dog, he will get what she has, she will be miserable when she finally grows up, LAUGH AT HER IGNORANT SELF INDUCED TORTURE. Let her go man she's not worth a second of your time you have better things to do.