How do I deal with my mom?


Jun 11, 2008
I have a 14 month old son, a husband and a father who cares for our son while at work. My mom is- we believe- bipolar or something similar. She claims disability so she doesn't work. She is now Muslim, was Jewish 3 years ago, and Christian before that. She picks on me about my son. She wants him for herself- and has threatened to call CPS for silly reasons (because my father cares for him and doesn't want her to come by during the day, because I have asked her not to come by because of her picking on me all the time.)

I am a full time Elem. school teacher, my husband an Engineer student. We are in LOVE with our first child. We're doing a great job here, and she has picked on our house, on our "rules" about food for him, etc. I am stressed and my back and neck hurt. I love her and just don't know what to do.
She tells our family that I'm crazy and cannot care for my son.... WHAT? My husband has even gotten pissed now. Everyday she is sending me long mean e mails then calling asking if she can come see my son. If I say no because I cannot handle this, she cusses me out and tells me that all her friends agree with her that I'm no good. I don't know how to handle this. Thank you for reading :)