I just found a ratshire terrier in my appartment buildings dumpster so......?



I took her to the vet as soon as i found her her leg turned out to be broken but the vet said she will be okay as soon as the cast comes off he seems to be a good dog ,very lovey, just a little hyper she seems to love my other dog witch is a german spitz so what i was wondering is does any one else have this breed of dog i looked for info on line and couldnt find much is there anything special about this dog anyone can tell me....oh yea the vet said she is about 5 years old
I dont know much about this breed, what I can say is thank you for helping this dog! Thats wonderful.

Here are some links that MAY help you:

You can join and learn ALOT on this forum,

and heres a link with basic information:
Do you mean a rat terrier? Or a Staffordshire terrier? ... or a mix?

Terriers in general tend to be more barky, dig holes, jump up and down and run circles around you! Not that those are bad things... they're just busy-bodies!
What a good thing you did..I'm assuming that a Rat Terrier has the same mentality of alot of little dogs...She'll be good..You saved her....Good luck!