Or can be.Anyway,it's a theory,and in America you might have already learned that because of the faster rate of recieving comics there.Anyway,in Spider-Man 554,Tony Stark was showing a skrull body,but didn't say who it was impersonating.If I'm right,it was Stark who is in possession of Caps body.I'm thinking that body was a skrull.So Cap is abducted by the skrulls.
If thats not his body,it's still a possibility with the Secret Invasion Story Arc coming up.
Just if you're asking what Stark is doing with Caps body,it's apparently because of the fact he's the only successful Super Soldier Serum specimen.Oh,and STark was showing the body to Hank Pym (a.k.a Giant Man) and Red Richards(Mr. Fantastic.)
Oh,forgot to say,what do you think,hogwash,or truth?
If thats not his body,it's still a possibility with the Secret Invasion Story Arc coming up.
Just if you're asking what Stark is doing with Caps body,it's apparently because of the fact he's the only successful Super Soldier Serum specimen.Oh,and STark was showing the body to Hank Pym (a.k.a Giant Man) and Red Richards(Mr. Fantastic.)
Oh,forgot to say,what do you think,hogwash,or truth?