is it ok to adopt 1 cat?


New member
Dec 16, 2008
me and my boyfriend want to adopt a cat but he is slightly allergic so he only wants one. I've owned cats before but always 2 or 3 at a time so they had someone to play with and keep them company while the house is empty.
I know cats are solitary animals but I always think that pets don't want to be home along and they'd be happier with a companion.
Is there ever a good reason to only have 1 cat.
I actually recently saw an ad for a shy cat that the vet thinks would do better being the only cat in the house but I can't help but think he's going to be bored and lonely and not have as happy a life as he would if we got 2.
Since my boyfriend is allergic there is no way he's going for 2 so we've held off getting a pet but we both really want a cat!!
give me some adive please on if getting only 1 cat is a good idea.