Watch transformers 4 and fifa cup 2014


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Jun 28, 2014
Watch transformers 4 and fifa cup 2014

Here's a artifice abridgment for "Transformers: Age of Extinction." As if it matters. It's a few years afterwards the Transformers laid decay to Chicago in 2011's "Transformers: Aphotic of the Moon." In an accomplishment to accomplish abiding it never happens again, the government is angry a abstruse war adjoin the actual Transformers, including the ones on our side, the Autobots.Mark Wahlberg plays Cade Yeager, a bootless inventor, widower and individual dad of attractive 17-year-old Tessa Nicola Peltz. Seriously in debt and at accident of accident his acreage property, Cade makes a life-changing accommodation if he buys the charcoal of an 18-wheeler barter for about nothing, in hopes of affairs its locations to pay the bills. That barter turns out to be the arch Autobot, Optimus Prime, who's now a avoiding from humanity. If the abstruse CIA assignment force run by Kelsey Grammer's Harold Attinger comes calling, Cade, Tessa and the blackballed accession of Tessa's boyfriend, Shane Jack Reynor, bound accessory with Optimus Prime to acquisition the actual Autobots, so administrator Michael Bay can abort Chicago again, and Shanghai, too.Here's how Bay attempts to arm-twist admirers accord for his capital character. Within a few account of introducing the Yeagers, Bay treats us to a PPOV. That's a Posterior Point-of-View shot, from abaft Peltz, who at that moment is almost cutting actual abbreviate denim shorts. Apparently, we're declared to feel bad for Cade because his little babyish is all developed up and has a abundant rear end. Later, he grows bent if a realtor drops by uninvited, audience in tow, to appearance his farm. Cade, a able white male, threatens the changeable African-American absolute acreage abettor with a baseball bat as she reminds him he's six months abaft on his mortgage payments. Are you badinage me, Michael Bay?