Why can't I play blu ray DVD's with my BRAND NEW Computer?

I just bought a refurbished Gateway computer with a 9600 Quad core processor and a ATI Radeon HD 2400XT graphics card. It has a built in blu ray player. I'm attempting to play my first blu ray disc (with Cyberlink Powerdvd) and the disc plays for a second and then an error message comes up and says that my graphics card driver is incompatible and I need to get a better one. Well, I downloaded Catalyst Software Suite (32 bit) English Only v.8.4 (with driver) and I still get the error message. Do I need to 'activate' the driver or something? How do I do that? WHY CAN'T I PLAY BLU RAY DISCS...THIS IS REALLY FRUSTRUATING! Thanks!!!!

PS: I have Vista Premium
blu ray only plays on blu ray
used to corner the market
just like hd dvd is used only on hd dvd boxes
blu ray only plays on blu ray
used to corner the market
just like hd dvd is used only on hd dvd boxes
blu ray only plays on blu ray
used to corner the market
just like hd dvd is used only on hd dvd boxes