Recent content by Marissa

  1. M

    Favorite iphone games?

    I wanna get more games on my iphone. Preferably free ones. Preferably single player games that will keep me hooked for hours, thanks(/
  2. M

    Tell me about your gym progress!?

    I am skinny.. about 5"2/5"3.. 15 years old.. and weigh 85 pounds. I know I'm under weight, but I'm trying to lose a little bit of belly fat (even though I have a almost flat stomach). Me and my brother go running sometimes (which helps you get a flat stomach).. And we do crunches and sit ups...
  3. M

    I can't find my ringtones for my iPhone 3.?

    I bought them a while ago from iTunes, I recently got a new iPhone 3 restored everything but the ringtones aren't there. I logged into iTunes authorized the computer and I can't even find the tones tab, or whatever. I'm sick of listening to these crappy ringtones, please help me out here.
  4. M

    Relationship help.. Please?

    My boyfriend and I have been dating for awhile now and we are fighting and bickering more than ever.. I don't know what to do. I don,t want to break it off, but I feel that with every argued word makes me have less and less feelings for him....
  5. M

    i need help picking out a new good book to read?

    ive read so many paranormal romance books that I cant name all of them but here is a few that I liked. twilight, of Poseidon, and sweet evil. any recommendations? one with the most books or the most description wins
  6. M

    Is there any good WORKING emoji apps for android?

    Besides messaging, I want to be able to see the characters on Twitter, Instagram, FB, etc.
  7. M

    I need to write a paper on a short story and no it relates to its time period.?

    I am having trouble finding a short story that relates well to its time period. I was wondering if anyone knew of any.
  8. M

    I'm REALLYYYYYY FAT. Which means I'm incredibly unattractive to 99% of the...

    ...opposite sex? I'm really fat. Like 100+ pounds overweight. 200 pounds or something. That's a lot for a girl. You can't say that's not obese by any means.. I have a thyroid disorder which makes it extremely difficult to lose weight since my metabolism is so weak. Even with medicine, I can...
  9. M

    Is Roger Waters "The Wall" 2012 Concert the same as the 2010 one?

    Im pretty sure it's about the same. Have fun! I wanted to go, but it's so expensive. :/
  10. M

    Is he interested in me?

    There's this guy who's best friends with my ex, and a lot of my ex's friends found me attractive apparently, he never told me this particular friend did but that's because he's more attractive than me ex lol. But anyway he always is staring at me, like very noticeably. And when I pass him in the...
  11. M

    I have a Samsung Mesmerize, and I wanna know what the best free app is to get music?

    I wanna get ring tones etc, and music, but I don't know which is the best FREE app to download for that? There's pandora and what not, but I don't know if that will give me ring tones...
  12. M

    What should I do about catching HPV from my current boyfriend?

    Im 18 my current boyfriend is 21 and we've been together for 6 months so far. We started becoming sexually active from the first couple months but he always wore a condom because i wasn't on birth control. I started taking birth control and we started to have sex without using a condom. I know...
  13. M

    I have a crisis on my hands well to me its a crisis bc im paranoid lol can

    go get a little bug fumigator thing at the grocery store . they are really really cheap , you just takr of the lid and start it then you leave the house foor an hour or two and every single bug will be dead. they range in a few bucks and work really good.
  14. M

    Which name do you like best?

    Your Question Which username is better? I am going to make a youtube account for polymer clay and I wrote down a few username ideas. Tell me which one you like best :) KawaiiClay CookieLove BrownieLuv PrettyYou VanillaBeany PureCaneSugar ShimmerMe BabyDoll BabyDolly SweetPea PearlyMe QueenClay...
  15. M

    Are Uggs (boots) still in fashion?

    Everyone where I am wears them. I have that pair, sandal colored, but it goes up higher. If a lot of people around you wear them, then they are still in style. As long as its in Winter!