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  1. F

    another word game.

  2. F

    Watchful Neighbors

    ha ha thanks. But what's the deal with the dear? they have to be tagged? what is that?
  3. F

    At What Point Are You Using Someone?

    LOL! I resemble that remark! I R a girl and am quite happy to use a man just for sex! Note to self: too much information.....
  4. F

    1,300 Best Public High Schools in America

    Park Vista Community High School. didnt make the list.
  5. F

    The blatant lies thread

    Explanation: 'Big Brother' isn't a tacky TV programme in the UK.
  6. F

    How will a US attack on Iran affect the rest of us?

    A great deal of Modern military hardware hasn't been "battle tested", yet is still widely deployed and depended on, both for offence and defence. Two relevant cases: The Russian "Moskit" ASM, and the Russian Shkval Torpedo, both of which Iran is expected to use as defence against American...
  7. F

    Things that make you go :-)) take two!

    Watching a video of someone playing Amnesia: Dark Descent and am royally cacking myself
  8. F

    need help with finding old game

    Botswanaman7 wins...
  9. F

    UK National Lottery

    I keep forgetting that people can't hear the inflection's in your voice over ther internet. DOH!
  10. F


    You know we had a nude beach by the university in Vancouver and people didn't blink an eye when they were down there... it was always the people at a distance staring at the beach saying ''look at those awful naked people'' that got wound up.... funny I thought if they didn't like it they...
  11. F

    Gaskell’s 2000th post! Geordie!!!

    Gaskell mon ...yer blether is keech and nae doot , ye'll hae nae bother blaggin a burd an nat wi patter as bonny as that ya bam. on yersel for reachin twa gran .......yer a canny lad an nae doot
  12. F

    Tattoo design idea

    Lol, so not exactly receiving great reviews huh? What would you guys suggest then?
  13. F

    Asian Cat

    Deet deet deet deet deet dee dee dee /gong
  14. F

    Last nights debate

    I'm wondering which one of them made the biggest impact on undecided voters. Guess i will have to wait a while to find out.
  15. F

    Forced To Go To A Prom....

    :idea: have him tell her that saying yes was an april fools joke.
  16. F

    Americans - Tipping?

    For service jobs, having a lower hourly rate but customer tips makes the employee's income directly reflect the customer satisfaction they create. It creates a direct financial incentive to do otherwise-stressful-and-unglamorous jobs with energy and enthusiasm. If the server at your table was...
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    Best way to die.

    Hand to hand combat with great white.
  18. F


    I know.
  19. F

    Britains Debt..

    This lady's not for turning x
  20. F

    This Or That.

    red bull. amp is just like dew Marines or Army