Best way to die.

qft, but I would want to fall out of an air plane and just hit the ground and die. That way I would have a couple of minutes of absolute beauty and die instantly when I hit the ground. That would be mine.
id say suffocating because you were having kinky shit sex and you just got too much in your mouth.
To be tea-bagged by a bald bear, then eaten alive by stale coleslaw while trimming my toe nails with the world's largest pair of scissors.

But seriously dieing for someone I love or when I'm retired in my sleep.
No one said it?

Tie piano wire around your neck, and connect the other end to the top of a bridge. You then superglue your hands to your head, and wait for them to dry. Then, jump.

The piano wire should rip your head off your body, but your glued hands will stay connected and holding your head.

The first person to see the corpse will be like "Dude! That fucker just ripped his head off!" because your body will be laying there with your head between your hands.
my figuring is that i will go out with a bang. probly from accidental self inflicted injuries. but still exciting for people to watch
crushed pelvis (futurama reference)
massive orgy with bisexual female supermodels, you accidently choke to death on happy
death from having too many bj's?
massive police stand off. take over a gun store and barricade the windows and door and shoot at all the people and eventually police that show up. like GTA status