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  1. Z

    Help needed

    Case of single malt?
  2. Z


    The "What are your unanswered questions" thread. Faster than any yankees' pitcher can throw these days...
  3. Z

    Do you have the hots for anyone on TSR?

    Aw, danke schon. :hugs: Yep, good luck to you too! I've been up for the last hour 'revising' unproductively and watching Radio 1 Live Lounge covers on YouTube. Oh dear, I should really just go to bed. G'night!
  4. Z

    Helo Im Nu 2 St

    Now Thes Si Teh S2ry Al About How My Lief Got Flipad Turnad Upsied Down And I’d Liek 2 Taek A Minute Just Sit Right Thare I’l Tal U How I Bcm3 Teh Prince Of A 2wn Calad Bl-are In West Philaedlfia Born And Rase3d On Teh Playground Wh3r3 I Spent Most Of Mah Days Chilng Out Maxng Relaxng Al Col And...
  5. Z

    I Hate Life

    I gotta say you really shouldn't use the girl for sex, people seem to like to think that these days we can all have free fun no connections no repercussions sex and to some extent we can as far as the physical problems and social problens go ut most people I know who act like that are actually...
  6. Z

    The World Cup

    I agree. If the USA really is a big boy, he should be out and about, not couped up in his room playing with himself.
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    Capital Punishment

    {{{hugz to Kinjiro}}} You know I was just making a laywer joke about the jury Seriously, thank you for sharing a perspective from the juror's side, it's not something we get to hear much.
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    Abortion is Wrong

    But it is your business what people think
  9. Z

    The police truly are amazing

    The scouser is as cool as you like. I'd have totally lost it with the southern apes, but he runs rings around them. Nice one! Edit: I wouldn't say that the police are necessarily amazing, but it was nice to see them doing their job and not getting hoodwinked by those slimy bailiffs.
  10. Z

    Anyone speak Latin?

    op: why don't you just go on amazon and find a book on latin? ego sto solus sounds greek. no seriously, it does. εγω στο σολως. "me in solus".
  11. Z

    School boy wears skirt to school

    They don't need to for sense but they don't like the English abroad look so it's not as easy as that. I've heard it all before, the headmaster wants his students to look and behave like young gentlemen
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    Some Judges Live On Another Planet

    It's important to remember that this isn't a case of one crazy judge. This is just one example of the way an entire culture conducts itself every day. The judge isn't really the problem; the problem is a culture that (a) sees rape as the woman's shame rather than the perpetrator's, (b) considers...
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    Protests in Arab world

    my fundimental political belief is that democracy can not be achived in these middle sized to small countries before it is truley achived in the western world as when it is tried it is almost always underminded by the outside influnce of western countries protecting there intrests, however I...
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    How do you feel about the United States?

    I finally get a chance to say... only in Japan. Right now... I'm off to apply for a job a head merkin fitter in Japan.
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    The Love Thread

    hhhhhhhhhhhhmmmmmmmmmm...thinks of questions....
  16. Z

    A Croc for a pet

    Trying to find the video I saw the other day of him wrestling with the croc He he is feeding it YouTube - Man tries to get eaten by Crocodile Chito Y Poncho Swimming with it (Is it me or does he look very apprehensive on this one?) YouTube - Man in the Water with Giant crocodile
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    The "Man" Test

    The "Man" Test 32 While your manliness dominates your personality, you occasionally break out into sweetness. You won't admit to liking Titanic in front of your guy friends, but you might occasionally shed a tear if that improves your chance of scoring with chicks This is the true test! -...
  18. Z


    fap till you .....