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  1. R

    Mortal Kombat vs Street Fighter animation

    Seen it b4, very nicely done It's got everything a great movie needs, lots of fighting, not much talking, no point and a romantic scene haha
  2. R

    What were you scared of as a kid?

    OMG nightmare ned, i totally forgot about that until now, i remember the intro, a little bit, but yea, i think i played it with my brother when i was 3-5
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    The Confession Thread

    Here i go .... As my memory serves me I was the reason to a kittens death once. (I feel bad now about that of course) And I tried to kill a big cat aswel by drowning it. But it escaped My food habits are bad. I threatned to kill my sister? (I am a coward for that anyway) I am ... homo...
  4. R

    The blatant lies thread

    LOL! It's very entertaining just like those raucous, thrill-a-minute golf games.
  5. R

    Got Something on your chest? Let it out!

    I just got rear-ended yesterday while sitting at a red light. Fucking awesome.
  6. R

    Do you like the person above you?

    awwwwwwwwww man
  7. R

    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    I don't think it's simply about Israel's 'ego'. I think they are genuinely rattled by recent events. In 1967 and 1973 Israel was able to whip the combined forces of pretty much all their Arab neighbours simultaeneously. Now, they are finding it hard work to deal with Hezbollah. They don't...
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    Best Arizona Flavor?

    Sweet tea ftw.
  9. R

    Calculus Anyone?

    Not my fault you're a fuckin douchebag and couldn't figure out i meant that I could take it by the end of highschool. jesus christ, get your head out of your ass.
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    Does "Better Together" Make A Good Case For The Union?

    Does "Better Together" Make A Good Case For The Union? No but who is likely to be better versed in these matters? The experts who make this their daily work? The EU commissioner who has said it quite clearly? Or the Yes campaign waiting to hear them say something different. This is not about...
  11. R

    Communist Party Endorses Kerry...

    Poop-loops you just hinted on an excellent point. A lot of the people that live in 'bad' areas and are on welfare are also the drug dealers. They are on welfare because they don't have a legal job, and then sell crack or whatever on the side.
  12. R

    So i cant stop laughing...

    are you high?
  13. R

    Wild accussation

    Is that bubbles the chimp or bubbles from little britain, 'shudders'. Laugarfistwas once charged with indecent exposure after an apparrent swimming trunk wardrobe malfunction at the local swimming pool.
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    do you tuck your shirt in when you work at mcdonalds?

    i don't work at mcdonalds
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    OMFg i dont know what to dad caught me in the act

    Chew it over with a twix
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    Castle Law

    Because I have a 360 and 2 really nice PCs and a HD plasma.
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    wtf is stickams
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    Violent vs Peaceful protest

    how about torys get vodafone's 7 billion worth of unpaid taxes before cutting of money from the young, poor and just about everyone else
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    Pissing with the seat down

  20. R

    Student Tasered at Kerry Speech Maybe it's just me, but I thought this was waaayyy out of line. 5 officers, 1 student, and they needed a TASER?!? Because he was being a bit obnoxious to a former Presidential candidate? Sorry, but I had...