Israel Blockades Lebanon

Absolutely. But while we are unpopular in other countries because we look out for our interests, many here disapprove of other countries too. Chirac is not exactly looked at in a very positive light in the US. The difference is that Europe will tend to be more alike as is most of the Middle East and the same with Africa. Most countries will have several other countries in their region that are similiar in character and will have similiar opinions on how things should be done. But America is a little different. We are much larger, bigger economy, tend to have a more diverse makeup, and somewhat seperated from the rest of the world by the oceans. It makes us more isolated and insulated from the rest of the world.

So while Germany, France, Italy are all looking out for their own interests, their interests are more likely to be closer than ours.
Interesting, as some of the insurgent groups in Iraq disagree with you:

However, their statement does tend to be in line with your 'pre-planned' conspiracy theory; all though, I'm not sure these are the guys I'd want to have vindicating my theories.
Firstly, I'll say members of my immediate family have been directly affected by Islamic terrorists. However, that is a subject that I am not willing to discuss online. You'll just have to take my word for it! I suspect out of most people posting on this thread I actually have the most legitimate reason to hate Muslims, but I am hopefully mature enough not to condemn a whole faith because of the actions of the few.

I do not blame Islam per se for that particular bomb. I hold Islamic extremists responsible and to an extent believe this to be a reaction to matters in the Middle East. Without getting into a long winded theological debate there has certainly been a shift in Islam that has stemmed from Wahabism. But y'know, most Muslims just want to get on with their lives in peace the same as the rest of us.

With regard to Israels neighbours. I think Islam is the convenient veneer for terrorism and the problem as a whole is rooted much more deeply in social inequality and opportunity(or lack of). Poverty and hopelessness are the real allies of extremism and provide an easy recruiting ground for those that wish to indoctrinate. Easy pickings!

With regard to...

It is not the fact that they are both born-again Christians(mind you they're always a bit freaky aren't they?). It is the fact that they are pretty much the two most powerful men on Earth allowing their religious ideology to heavily influence their political descisions. I'd feel the same if they were both Buddhists chanting a mantra together before bombing a country.

Hope this clarifies some of my Devil's advocacy
Glad to see insurgents are backing me up on this one

Just as a point of interest, how do you believe all those 1000's of kyatushas made thier way into Lebanon?
Then perhaps just getting laid might help. Did the European women not appreciate your redneck views on their continent?
I don't have a problem with Americans. I was only talking about ONE particular American who clearly has a big problem with Europe and Europeans.

I might not personally agree with everything which happens in the USA (or any other country for that matter) but if I questioneit then I do so in a polite way. (The occasional bit of banter aside - but I'd like to think that I always make it clear when I am just joking.) I wouldn't dream of just launching into a general tirade against someone else's country. If I did that then I'd expect to get flamed.

When DCombatives makes serious points then I'm happy to have serious discussions with him. But when he just trash-talks us then he's a legitimate target for a good old flaming as far as I'm concerned.

Rednecks shoot in their sisters.
Whoa, this threads still going, have there been any major developments (in the thread) this week? I've been trapped north of the 2 foot high wall all week so I've not been able to keep up to date.
Nothing very major.

Hezbollah has been increasing the amounts of missles they launch daily, something like 200 a day.

Israel captured 5 Hezbollah fighters, really doubt they were very important.

Hezbollah's leader has declared that they will attack Tel Aviv in response to Israel's attacks on Beirut. Remains to be seen just how he will manage this. At the same time saying,(multitasking) "You attack our cities, our villages, our civilians, our capital, we will react," he said. "At any time you decide to stop your aggressions on our villages and towns and cities and our civilians, we will not hit any settlement or any Israeli city."

Seems like some sort of ceasefire offer, of course doing it at the same time as promising more war so...
during Israels semi 48 hour ceasefire Hezbollah stopped their rocket attacks didn't they? Israel can have a fairly high level of confidence that Hezbollah are willing to stop their rocket attacks when a ceasefire is offered. Of course its not about stopping the rocket attacks anymore, its all about Israels ego.
I honestly believe that Israel can have a ceasfire anytime they want, but they dont want one, they wish to continue slaughtering lebanese civilians and perhaps grab a bit more land to settle at the same time.
Blair new all Along ?

I find it sickening that Bush and his poodle Blair can talk about wanting peace and a ceasefire but all the while supplying the weapons that are being used to kill small children and UN Observers.
I don't think it's simply about Israel's 'ego'. I think they are genuinely rattled by recent events.

In 1967 and 1973 Israel was able to whip the combined forces of pretty much all their Arab neighbours simultaeneously. Now, they are finding it hard work to deal with Hezbollah. They don't seem to be quite the power they used to be.

Add in the spectre of Iran behind Hezbollah and the continuing mess in the West Bank and Gaza and I'd say there is good reason for Israel to be nervous.
Of course Blair knew, the Israelis stated exactly what they were going to do before the attacks started.
There's a number of ways, to include right thru southern Iraq, then Syria, and into Lebanon. But that route wasn't opened just since the war in Iraq; it's been a pipeline with Saddam's blessing for years. Hezbollah's been stockpiling these things for a long time and they come in from all over. Every once in a while you'll see where Israel picked off a ship full of arms coming into a port. Without having access to any current Intel, I'd be willing to bet the Hezbollah resupply flows right thru Basra, across the western deserts of Iraq, and into Syria. A northern route would be shorter, but I don't think the Kurds would allow it, at least not knowingly. Still, while the war in Iraq might make it easier, it's wrong to think the rockets have only been flowing since 2003.
Hey, I'm still waiting for that picture proof. Or are you willing to conceed those were legit pictures?
Quite the contrary actually, although they weren't as enamored as the Aussie women were while I was down under. By the way, your wife wouldn't be a stewdess for Quantas Airlines would she? Just checking.
come on ladies, lets not let this thread descend into petty childish insults, this isn't the UN you know!
No, that was his transvestite cousin 'Brenda'.

I understand that "disappointing" was the word he used to describe your performance.

PS: Let's get back to the thread.