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  1. P


    You really don't know... at least until it's too late. Don't be so sure
  2. P

    Treating Hair With Bull Semen

    I'm talking about something else... I'm saying that they should stop for what they are doing. That is all, I don't want to get into an debate.
  3. P

    Nick Cannon married

    Oh no.
  4. P

    _~*Rate my bagel sammich, ST.*~_

    . OJ + Eggs are fuckin awesome, so I thought "Hey, why not?".
  5. P

    Post a pic of yourself! #8983475890

    gime your pd170!!!!!!!!! and to keep it e-real this was just after a rec. ball game (hence the camo..) bs krooks
  6. P

    The bank of England , Goldman Sachs, and the new world order

    Gold has value because we assign value to it.
  7. P

    US embassies attacked

    To be fair I was responding to Instructor Jon's comments which I took to mean American involvement in preserving freedom. Kosovo.. Do you mean this Kosovo : NATO countries promoted the war in Kosovo as the first humanitarian war[78] based on short-term military reports and casualty reports...
  8. P

    CD vs Vinyl.

    Ah, vinyl records! How well I remember! I have several cartons of vinyl records sitting in a closet; I can't play them because I have nothing to play them on. Andy, I think you might be right about the "vinyl is better" argument being used because we can't make our own vinyl records. I have...
  9. P

    your favorite non-workout hobbies

    I'm pretty sure the Xbox falls under electronics, and i dont think the cinema is a cheap option, nor is it suitable as a hobby before going to bed. xD
  10. P

    I love MAP!!!!!!!

    Yes, gotta chime in and say that I've had a blast in these near seven years I've been on this forum. Like others, I am a few other forums dedicated to other topics, but this is the one where I seem to learn the most, have the most fun and get the most annoyed (in a hilarious way, of course, with...
  11. P

    martial arts + geeks

    Actually it can be niether, it can be someone who just locks them self up and only does work. They can got 5% on a test and still be a nerd, just someone who dosn't partisipate socialy, or refuses to particpate social. One of the most attractive girls I've ever met has an average of like 95%...
  12. P

    Why do the c0nservatives complain on Obama' failure to keep his promise about...

    ...closing Guantanamo? When they slammed him for wanting to close Guantanamo!!!!
  13. P

    Why do the c0nservatives complain on Obama' failure to keep his promise about...

    ...closing Guantanamo? When they slammed him for wanting to close Guantanamo!!!!
  14. P

    Why do the c0nservatives complain on Obama' failure to keep his promise about...

    ...closing Guantanamo? When they slammed him for wanting to close Guantanamo!!!!
  15. P

    Why do the c0nservatives complain on Obama' failure to keep his promise about...

    ...closing Guantanamo? When they slammed him for wanting to close Guantanamo!!!!
  16. P

    *The Original TSR Sexy Biatch Society*

    Excuse me? I've had my pic up for ages, took it down recently 'cos of fellow sexy biatches fighting over me. Remember that thread on country-guessing sleekchic? ;) I love you btw. :yy:
  17. P

    test :)

    Neither. That would depict him as being a hero. It's not worth me getting some prize. PL
  18. P

    Do youre parents get mad if you talk to a military recruiter?

    Shes right dumbass, but if you wanna go die for a pointless war go ahead, might save my ass form getting drafted for WW3.
  19. P

    April Fools Day

    spam... you should have done the gay "bam its on":dodgy: