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  1. R

    Better than knocking on a sound-proof door...

    haha maybe infinity-1 or so
  2. R

    A question for guys

    I always thought they prefered a nice arss.....
  3. R

    Pizza help!! What size/options

    the most jooish deal is the one for you
  4. R

    who would win?

    Space Nazis
  5. R

    Best user names?

    mine not
  6. R

    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    Can I ask, are you still calling a base unit a hard drive in the ECDL?
  7. R

    Abortion is Wrong

    I would like to think that even though many don't agree with me that they feel that I at least try to set a good example. We all learn, we all make mistakes and we all will keep making them... for me, I like to try to learn from my mistakes knowing that I will keep making them but still strive...
  8. R

    eugenics thread.

    No, it's not. Just because a single girl somehow beat the odds does not change the fact that having two of the CF genes gives someone a much higher risk of developing it. Would anyone want their child to go through that? Not at all. With embryonic selection you can keep them in the gene...
  9. R

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle"

    Man arrested for 2x4 labeled "High Powered Rifle" I'd love it.
  10. R

    funniest resturant names

    My aunt and uncle went on vacation to Jamaica about 2 years ago and they have a restaurant called Master Baiter's. lol.
  11. R

    First aid

    Read my original post again, I said "in this context". If you have to deal with drunk people or you have the potential to deal with numerous epileptics of uncertain control, it's useful, within the context of martial arts training it's much less likely to be needed. For the second part, the...
  12. R

    Bullying posted on Facebook

    I can't believe anyone called this 'silly' or blamed the victim. Or dismissed it as kids being kids. Abusing another human being like that is never okay. I think those kids should be made to clean up the whole town's trash while wearing neon orange, kept on file for life and never be allowed...
  13. R

    What do you think of her body? *pics*

    She's in proportion so what's the problem.
  14. R

    The OWWWWW!!!! factor

    Ok people post your favorite OWWWWWW!!!! vids. Any vid that has something gone wrong where you just... damn... that's going to hurt in the morning.... no wait... that's going to hurt immediately!! Let's not go for anything too gruesome... eg. decapitations/disembowelment/dismemberment etc...
  15. R

    I need a component video cable to connect my Blue Ray player and TV. Can you

    You need one that is Gold. for a really good connection. Check with Maplins or PC World.
  16. R

    How to get on a Yahoo chat room/?

    I really want to know how to get my name on your Contacts section on the main screen.
  17. R

    Troops are to stay in Iraq for years

    Yeah. I thought the war was a mess but I don't want "over-state" the case, especially when I'm accusing the other side of propaganda!
  18. R

    is 600 watts a good number for a car audio system?

    Thats Perfect For The Speakers You Shouldnt Go Bigger Cuz The Amp Is Just Enough So I Feel That Is A Good Setup Good Luck On Ur System
  19. R

    can you use an LG env 2 if you have att?

    i love love love the env 2 from verison but i have at&t and i dont wanna switch will the phone work with at&t
  20. R

    How do I accelerate my internet connection for free?

    There are a few so called accelerators, but you can only download at the speed it comes down the line. That really is slow, I am 5000+, but it does vary at different times of the day.