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  1. S

    Innocent till proven guilty - or witch hunt?

    Having popped into the newsagent's earlier on, I have to say that the behaviour of the newspapers has been utterly dispicable in this matter. The News of the World and the Mirror both had discussions on the guy's private life all over the front page. It's absolutely sickening. Even if he turns...
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    gay or not?

    You try too hard.
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    Earthquake in China kills nearly 9,000 people

    it would be equivalent to a massive Amish buggy accident
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    Israel Blockades Lebanon

    Well you should be proud of him.
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    "Bolivia bug"?

    "Bolivia bug"? That's, well....Kind of messed up.
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    Ryhme Thread

    i dont think were doing it right
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    My Journey to School!

    oh. sorry. thanks ^^^
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    Things that make you go GRRRRR.... (Part 2)

    The bell will give you away, I'll be long gone before you can kill me
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    You're right, ST was a great place back when there wasnt many rules. It also wasnt filled with complete morons posting threads that rival 4chan's lack of intelligence.
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    Michael Vick sentenced.

    I think he was suspended from the NFL immediately and his sponsors abandoned him prior to his guilty plea. Can't imagine he'd be getting those endorsement dollars if he chose to use his savings & tie up the case in court. I will happily apologize in advance for my cynical outlook but I believe...
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    Return of the ultimate badass

    Exactly. My dad has been to Iraq numerous times and knows some of the terrors over there. I plan on being shipped over there after MOS training. :xeyed:
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    End of the World, Etc (Split)

    heh nice prediction you got there for 2012 heres mine. By the end of 2012 all the arctic ice + most of greenland have melted due to global warming London, Belfast is flooded CKava drowns to death due to his ignorance sadly he is given another life which he hopefully will understand.
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    Tiger victim drinking, admitted taunting

    If I believe that any human life (even he is this alcholic junkee with no sense of responsibility) is more important than that of a tiger am I a bleeding heart? I think that if we as a human society were to follow darwins laws of natural selection, bad things would happen, a lot of bad things...
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    Guy rules

    Yes, mon amor?
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    Old Usernames

    GEO -> zendog -> cloudhandz If yoda ever comes on the market I'll pay $3.50
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    little paperclip git

    I don't believe I have seen that wretched paperclip in a long time. Perhaps I have jinxed myself, and he will begin to torment me endlessly with his "backseat writing".
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    Sluts and Slags

    OMG! totally offended! wolders girls are not slut or slags, i should know i am a WOLDINGHAM GIRL! u did just have bad luck wit one! it depends on wat sch u r from. wat sch do come from?
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    Ashamed to live in California, USA

    What is the matter with these americans, EVERYBODY should vote for Arnold. It would result in a huge tax cut, better wellfare and safer streets, as Arnie would be able to handle national security on his own and keep the streets clean. Maybe he could make Chuck Norris police head honcho and...