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  1. C

    Star dies in monstrous explosion!!!

    3,500,000,000. What you have listed there is 3.5 Quintillion ( I think thats what its called o.O )
  2. C

    best drink fucking ever

    see as you are canadian 1. your opinion does not matter 2. ur canadian 3. lol@ a fag calling another person a fag
  3. C

    MAP the film!!!

    Su will be the highest paid for the leading lady part....if not, there is no movie
  4. C

    How tall are you ST?

    Fail poll is fail.
  5. C

    how come...

    < left > right TRY ME NIGGA TRY ME holla atcha boy
  6. C

    Stopping benefits for addicts

    [No message]
  7. C

    Weight and minimum standard for men and women

    I don't see why it doesn't make sense. Males generally are stronger than females in relation to body mass, even untrained. Also when we are tallking about averages, it is possible that the ones for males are more accurate than for females due to the larger number of males that train. It is also...
  8. C

    Violent vs Peaceful protest

    Violent protest is about Emotion. Peaceful protest is about Intellect. When Emotions are stirred the impulse of destroying something and/or hurting someone can seem very satisfying. Who cares what it accomplishes as long as the targeted person or thing can be made to feel as much dis-ease or...
  9. C

    SAT Scores

    1700 and something. I blew ass on the math portion because it's all shit that I learned liek five years ago and haven't looked at since then.
  10. C

    what would you do if your child was being beaten up on your front lawn?

    lol you weren't tempted to get up in make up then?
  11. C

    What are you being for Halloween this year?

    No one can top... Super hero to all
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    Rate the Avatar and Sig of the other person

    second new rule: must change avatar once a month
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    Miley Cyrus caught in ANOTHER photo scandal.

    Hell yeah. Keep 'em comming Miley.
  14. C


    And here we can see the end result of that kind of behaviour.
  15. C

    The Death Penalty

    I must admit my understanding of politcs in Afghanistan, pre war, was poor. Agreed! THEY, was meant to mean the Taliban and supporters of Bin Laden and not the populus.
  16. C

    Bewares of the 419 Scam!

    I got one today from china asking me to be a partner in their oil company. I apparently get 15% commision for letting them send a couple hundred million to my bank account.
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    Tough riddle involving family relations?

    Joseph is my uncle's sister's granddaughter's son. What is the closest possible relationship I can have to Joseph? Please show how you came up with your answer
  18. C

    give me some funny jokes?

    Yo mamma like a brick, she always gets laid Yo mamma like a chipmunk, she always got nuts in her mouth Yo mamma like a hardware store, only 5 cents a screw