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    post your favorite quote

    "Don't taze me bro!"--that guy in Florida "In the End, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends." Martin Luther King, Jr.
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    How to set a ringtone you purchased?

    I just want this ringtone I bought on iTunes as my text message ringtone! I pluged my phone into my computer and I went on iTunes and I synced everything now what cause it's still not showing up when I go to Sounds on Settings.
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    I have iPod ios 3 and want to upgrade to ios 4, but I'm having syncing issues...?

    I want to get the new software, but it says items are not synced to my library and I should sync them. When I tried to sync them to my library, it said my iPod is connected to the itunes library from my old computer. It asks me to erase everything and use what is in my current itunes library...
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    What is in your opinion the BEST android tablet?

    I have one for about two seconds it was great but had an error I it.
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    IPhone 4 jailbreaking?

    I want to know if I jailbreak my iPhone 4 will I be able to get back software 5.0, cause I have an av adapter for the tv and it only work on a lower upgrade. I now have 6.1.2. Just want to get the thing to work.
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    Where can I get games/apps for my sony ericsson mobile?

    I have a sony ericsson xperia, and just wanting to know if there is a way of getting games/apps via the computer internet where you type your phone number in and they send you it. ?? I have no credit and am unable to get internet on my phone. does any1 no any websites which you can type your...
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    Things become normal on Meth

    owch..... i need to go do some meth to recover from this shock oh, and its 20 bucks for sex not 15...
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    help! I'm Roman Catholic, but I'm finding Judaism to be the true way!!!!?

    If you're interested, go to a local synagogue and see if they have an Intro to Judaism class that you can take. If you're serious about conversion, go find a rabbi and talk with them. You should know that Jews don't believe Judaism is the one "true way." Other religions have truth too, and...
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    Do you think that the original Passover was a type of prophecy for

    As a Jew, no. And I find the idea somewhat offensive, like Christians are trying to hijack one of our most important holy days, which really has nothing to do with Jesus at all.
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    Before he told me he liked me we talked/hung out a lot, now we don't so much?

    Before my friend told me he liked me we used to speak and hang out every day, even after classes (by facebook or text). Now that he told me he likes and I told him I like him back... he's suddenly not talking to me as much any more, we're only talking between class breaks, he even seems kinda...
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    Hi. I have E52 Nokia and recently I can not seem to connect to the internet on...

    ...WLAN network.? I have checked my Active Date under Menu - Connectivity and its blank. Has anyone faced a similar problem? Would appreciate your help. Thank you.
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    Why don't Christians convert to Judaism if Jews are the chosen people?

    Non-Jews don't have to convert to Judaism to attain the World to Come. Judaism has never claimed a monopoly on truth, in that sense. And the "chosenness" of the Jewish people has nothing to do with being "better" than other groups of people; it has to do with being chosen to have the Torah and...
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    Jews: How important is the Talmudic teachings in Judaism?

    Judaism wouldn't be Judaism without the Tanakh and the Talmud. The Talmud is a compilation of the Mishnah, which is the Oral Torah, and the Gemara, which are rabbinical commentaries on the Mishnah. Together they provide the halakha (Jewish law) which Jews follow in daily life. EDIT: There's...
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    is this Jewish manuscript represents the Judaism Faith?

    The Sibylline Oracles isn't a Jewish text. Parts of it seem to have been written by Hellenistic Jews, but it's really an odd mixture of Christianity and Gnosticism. It doesn't represent normative Judaism. At all.
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    How would you guys best compare and contrast the Native American Spiritual

    There are hundreds of Native American religious traditions, and they all don't believe the same things. It's really a bad question.
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    Survey: Have you done a good deed for someone this week?

    i wonder if a smile counts :)
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    In what ways is Hinduism similar to and different from the Hewbrew faith of Judaism?

    It's "Hebrew," first of all, which is a language not a people group that's still around today. Hinduism is monistic, and the Kabbalah, which is practiced by Hasidic Jews in particular and by many other Orthodox and non-Orthodox Jews, has a similar panentheistic conception of G-d. Kabbalah also...
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    need suggestions on my relationship..?

    i m in relationshp 4 10 months bf has nt given me a single gift yet..i feel lyk he doesnt want to spend a penny 4 me.he says he loves me bt thn y doesnt he buy me nythin? r al d boys lyk dis or jus my bf is? he is doin his mba so he says he is busy so doesnt meet me tht often..he says...
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    Jews, if I went through the Torah and used it to debunk Orthodox Judaism like...

    "Debunking" Orthodox Judaism doesn't have anything to do with Nazis or Hitler. EDIT: I know what it is, but you'd have to be really psychotic to automatically jump to that conclusion. It's just so unrelated. I think it would take a while, if it ever came into effect.
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    In Judaism are you required to love, respect, honor or obey a parent who mistreats...

    If a parent is intentionally harmful to his or her children, then I don't believe the commandment applies, although there are several opinions on the matter. It's a similar situation to a parent asking a child to violate Jewish law, which is something that shouldn't be done, even if a parent...