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  1. T

    My brother split his head open

    um lmao. Does he play world of warcraft?
  2. T

    If you knock on a sound-proof door...

    Sound proof doors are thicker and have no gaps between the ground, a knock will still go through fucktard.
  3. T

    The Hot Deaf Girl.

    r u rly? :dodgy: But seriously, are you?
  4. T

    Favorite Little Debbie Snacks

    Om nom nom to ALL OF THEM!
  5. T

    What knife do you carry

    I carry teh knives that cut.
  6. T

    Strip Clubs!!! Yeaaa

    in south beach u can touch all you want. and u forget there are 50 fucking states in the us. there isn't just one fucking strip club where u can touch.
  7. T

    This question is only for believers that are spirit filled?

    The ONLY spirit to be filled with, is Scotch. And a good, salt water single malt at that!
  8. T

    Why do so many atheists ask...?

    Christians ask legitimate questions!?! News to me...
  9. T

    God is real, and I can prove it!!!?

    Well I'm convinced. I'm going to start worshipping Thor from now on. After all, it's obvious that is the god you were referring to...
  10. T

    Is this solid proof that the madhi is the antichrist ?

    Clearly, evidence and proof are not in your vocabulary. Since you have neither and claim to have both. Fail, on both counts.
  11. T

    Christans who claim there are no contradictions in the bible. Are you really...

    ...this obtuse? Or are you simply refusing to face reality. Let's take a look at a few examples shall we (and this is by no means an exhaustive list, there are, literally, thousands of examples in the bible, here are only a few) Genesis 1:25-27 (Humans were created after the other animals.)...
  12. T

    Doesn't atheism cause problems, not religion?

    Wrong again. Atheism is simply the understanding that ALL gods are imaginary. It has nothing to do with totalitarian regimes. That's an asinine straw-man argument that isn't worthy of a 10 year old. Oh and for the record, Hitler and Stalin were both christians. Pwnd.
  13. T

    Do you like to meet (or) at least see any of the other people in R&S whom you...

    Great Gazoo. Seems to be a very level headed and rational person. I'd very much enjoy talking to them over a beer or two.
  14. T

    Hey i must be ub3r 1337

    I see an owl
  15. T

    Christians: are you warning sinners of impending judgment, and telling them...

    Yeah but then we ask them for any shred of evidence supporting their imaginary sky-pixie, and they shut up and leave. We both know your god is no more real than a leprechaun or a fairy...
  16. T

    RollerCoasters... do you like em?

    haha my daddy said i have to leave there by 5 tomorrow. beacause sadly, your statement is true:(
  17. T

    How come fundies try and push off the lie that "All of the prophecies in

    Because they actually believe it. No, really, they're THAT thoroughly brainwashed...
  18. T

    Atheists, how can you deny the archaeological evidence and prophecies that...

    Name one. No, really, name one. No one's been able to backup that claim yet so go ahead. You'll be the first in history to do so. "the New Testament has been proven over time to be an incredibly accurate historical document" Oh really? In what peer-reviewed historical review was this research...
  19. T

    is vitamin water healthy?

    all this flavored water Bullshit is all for the fat fucks who can't go a day without some type of "flavor" in their mouth. Have you noticed fat fuckers don't drink water at all?
  20. T

    Why do gentiles always answer questions about Judaism and Jews?

    Because most of us know a LOT more about your myths and fairy tales, than you yourselves do.