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    Is it possible to get a copy of a cell phone call for legal issues?

    Only if someone was actually recording it...even then, there would have to be some kind of court order to collect that evidence
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    Future daughter-in-law rejected my heirloom jewelry to wear on her wedding

    She's the one wearing jewelery, she gets to pick what style/kind she wears. That's really all their is to it. Why on earth would you tell your son? What on earth is that going to solve? Nothing. In fact, it's just going to create more problems. Maybe the way she turned you down was a bit...
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    How to persuade my dad to let me get a smartphone!!! HELPPP?

    to the first answer If you need help in class, you consult a book, not the internet. If you cant get a signal, there are still plenty of places on earth that will allow you to use their land line without charging you. No teenager has email that important that they need to check it that...
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    What's with Hollywood Undead and Charlie Sheen?

    they dont. they mention Charlie SCENE! who is one of their band members. Not Sheen
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    Do you think people stereotype fashion designers?

    your question is funny, because where i live, gucci is for rich white people, and Tommy is what all the white kids who want to be black wear. stereotypes are so dumb. i dont stereotype. if i like it, i buy it. anything i mentioned above is just observations from looking at/listening to people...
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    Why are people laughing at me when I'm wearing my Sketchers Shape ups?

    well, because honestly they are not the most attractive shoe out there. like, i personally would never laugh at you, thats just dumb. but if you were obviously wearing them just to be tall, ya might get a funny look or two
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    UFC needs to bring in Fedor and/or Overeem?

    Fedor is still the best fighter in the world right now in my opinion, just because he lost 1 fight in 10 years does not make him 'out of his time' at all. As for Fedor in the UFC, that would be very interesting because some of these upcoming guys could really give him a fight like Dos Santos...
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    Is it possible for someone with Borderline Personality Disorder have episodes of...

    ...Psychosis? I know Psychosis is more common in mental 'illnesses' such as Bipolar Disorder and Schizophrenia, but i was wondering if it is possible to have it with BPD, or if its possible to be diagnosed with BPD with Psychosis. Im from the UK.
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    whats your opinion of the fur trend?

    as long as the animal is nowhere near an endangered species list, i really dont care. man has been wearing animal fur/skin since the dawn of time i personally think it looks stupid though. even faux fur looks dumb.
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    I have to Pimp My Ride (actually my office chair) for a contest at work...HELP!!!?

    put a chair on your chair so you can sit while you sit!
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    Selling three level 80's World of Warcraft account, are you interested?

    considering i can get to 80 in like, a week? no, not really. besides that. dont fuck up the game for the rest of us. if i end up in another group with a mage who doesnt know what he is doing and pulls aggro while the tank is trying to eat, im going to uppercut someone in the taint. people who...
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    Ranting on Y/A, annoying or truthful?

    as long as there is eventually an actual question somewhere in the rant, i dont mind as much. more frequently though, it seems to be just some long winded rant about "blah blah blah, so and so sucks" and there never is any actual question or even point to the rant.
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    As a kid did you enjoy smoking them bubble gum cigarette's?

    i always thought they were hilarious. my parents had a rule in our house, where if you didnt smoke or drink by the time you were 18, you got $1000 to do whatever you wanted with. my parents are not rich by any stretch of the imagination so i figured if they were willing to put up that much of...
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    has the tv show 'most haunted' ever found any VISUAL evidence?

    i doubt it. the cameras are always pointed at peoples faces. i hate most haunted. it was alright at first but its like "ok, i get it, i have seen the main lady freak out like, five hundred times now, how about you show me what she was freaking out over?"
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    harry potter sucks??? twilight?

    you obviously didnt read anything past the third harry potter book, 4-7 of the series are so full of blood and guts and gore and violence and other adult content i wouldnt let anyone under the age of 15 read them. twilight is boring. the characters have no personalities.
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    hi my mother has lost her passport ,?

    she needs to ask the place that gives out passports where you live.
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    Is the Android market any good?

    just checked. it has both the apps you just named. it also has a ton more. yes it has good games, they keep me sane during my downtime at work. i love my droid. i dont think i will ever go to a different phone unless a better droid comes out
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    Atheists..If Bible Prophecy was rightly predicting the future?

    depends. is it going to tell me the exact date and time, and all the people involved? or is it just going to vaguely allude to something that might happen in the future if this guy happens to be here around this time? because so far all the bibles prophecies have been nothing more than vague...
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    How do you activate a Verizon Phone you bought online?

    What are my options. Please and Thank you :D
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    who watches eastenders? i have a question.?

    Her pubic hair that she had waxed in to the shape of a heart