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  1. M

    Do windows 8 play blueray dvd movies?

    No, and its BS. Even with a blu ray drive you can't play blu ray movies natively in Windows 8, you have to download a separate player, and the only reliable ones you have to pay for. WMC, which costs $10, will only play DVD because Microsoft doesn't want to licence the codex or security keys...
  2. M

    Need some Cat. Converter Help?

    It will be against the law and will cause the check engine light to stay on. I will not advise some one to brake the law so just fix it right. The newer catalytic converters don't restrict air flow that much so removing it will only give you a very slight improvement in mileage.
  3. M

    How do I burn my windows 7 file into a cd?

    You can't legally. You do not own the license to transfer the Win 7 copy from the laptop to the new system, and the OEM which was set up for a laptop shouldn't work with the new configuration which is a desktop, windows OEM licensing will automatically detect upgrades, if the upgrades are too...
  4. M

    Is there a DVD or Blue Ray version of the original Star Wars?

    No, and there never will be. Lucas is very pig headed and has basically said he doesn't care about what the fans want, he has stated he made the changes he wanted to and come hell or high water that's how they are going to stay. Outside of the VCD and VHS collections of the original Star Wars...
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    how to use dvd on computer?

    having problem canot use dvd
  6. M

    What are the most interesting bands on the UK indie scene in 2012?

    Someone told me a group called 'The Maccabees' are decent. Any others of similar ilk?
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    I accidentally discovered the god particle on my cellphone screen, now what?

    You have no way of knowing this unless you are either a astrophysicist or a particle physicists which I suspect you are not. Hence it is unlikely to have found anything
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    Would you support a $2500 p/yr. tax on oversized cars and trucks, to reduce...

    No, I live in a rural area and require a 4X4 to get to work, town, and even around town. I spend a lot of time pulling little 4 cyl. trucks out of the snow on the back roads. How about we get rid of California instead? Save more money.
  9. M

    fuse keeps blowing on 1996 jeep cherokee?

    Look in the manual or fuse cover and see what that fuse powers then we can help you.
  10. M

    I need some help with an AC/DC Inverter issue im having?

    Fuses work by generating heat to melt (blow) a thin strip of metal inside. There is also an inverse current time relationship on how fats a fuse/circuit breaker will trip. THe more current the fast the fuse will blow, a slight overload will take a little longer to build up the heat and blow...
  11. M

    I need some help with an AC/DC Inverter issue im having?

    Fuses work by generating heat to melt (blow) a thin strip of metal inside. There is also an inverse current time relationship on how fats a fuse/circuit breaker will trip. THe more current the fast the fuse will blow, a slight overload will take a little longer to build up the heat and blow...
  12. M

    Would you support the introduction of a mandatory national ID card for all US

    no worse than carrying a drivers license around.... Not a big deal if your legal. "The lady doth protest too much, methinks." - Shakespeare
  13. M

    how do i upload a video to youtube that is already saved on my phone?

    i want to add a video to youtube from my phone but it is already saved on my phone
  14. M

    how do i upload a video to youtube that is already saved on my phone?

    i want to add a video to youtube from my phone but it is already saved on my phone
  15. M

    ASRock Motherboard user please help me?!?

    yah for HD gaming like crysis also that support HD 3850/Geforce 9800 or Higher that also supports good Memory RAM heres those motherboards that also works with this existing old Parts with my Pentium 4 3.0Ghz socket 775 which i'm not planing to buy newer Proccessor yet (out of budget) to buy...
  16. M

    Diesel fuel in unleaded tank?

    Okay, here's the deal. I am a moron. I always buy my gas at the same station, I went to this station but used a different pump than I am used to using. The fuel types were in reverse order than what they are on the the pumps that I usually used. I was confused by the fact that the pump...
  17. M

    is there more than 2 ways of time traveling into the future?

    You Need 1) A Delorium 2) A Wacky Crazy Haired Scientist 3) A Flux Capasitor Fit The Flux Capasitor, Seat The Scientist And Drive At 88 On!
  18. M

    Is it really worth taking a trip to Disneyland or would the kids have more... at Great Wolf Lodge? I'm not sure yet, Disneyland sounds fun for the kids and I would like them to see all the charaters, but at the same time they love to swim and I really like the wolf envoroment? Which is a better 'fun' deal for the money. Thanks.
  19. M

    Bluetooth signal type?

    What type is a bluetooth signal?