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  1. L

    Psychopath Riddle: Can you figure it out?

    Is it because the woman fell in love with her sister's new husband, then she got jealous and killed her? Is this one of those things where you see if you're crazy or not? O.o
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    Atheists: Do you see Mr. Rogers as the only example of a "good Christian"?

    Frankly, I never give Mr. Rogers a thought. What a bizarre claim. I can think of plenty of good Christians. I'd name Dietrich Bonhoeffer for starters.
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    Do you ever use your cell phone will riding?

    Sometimes. I never tweet while riding and I only answer it if it's one of my parents or someone important. I'll text it I'm just walking around the arena and I don't really have to focus on what I'm doing, but that's really it. Or I'll take pictures because I like taking pictures haha. My...
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    Did Jesus really fulfill Old Testament prophecies?

    No. The New Testament was tweaked to make it look as though he had. You misunderstand the Jewish concept of a messiah. For one thing, the Messiah is not supposed to be a divine being, a son of God, the very concept of which is blasphemous in Judaism. Jesus did not conform in any way to the...
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    On the Global Gossip with The Royal-couple...?

    Her titles are: "Her Royal Highness, the Duchess of Cambridge, Princess William, Countess of Strathearn, Baroness Carrickfergus". She ceased to be "Kate Middleton" on her wedding day one year ago tomorrow. She is being followed assiduously by the press. I don't know where you are, but in the...
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    Does anybody know what inspired the song Jean Louise by Dietrich Strause ?

    -To Kill A mockingbird
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    Rant: Does anyone think beauty spots are nice?

    cuz they're marilyn monroe wannabees but im not a fan of it .
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    My dad really emotionally abuses me? and then physically when I argue back?

    Don't be sorry at all. Talk to your teachers about getting you and your dad a family therapist. If that doesn't work... well... click on this link to find the number for child services in your state.
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    Discuss either the Mandate of Heaven or the Five Relationships as these are

    defined in Confucianism? Discuss either the Mandate of Heaven or the Five Relationships as these are defined in Confucianism. Why are they important to Confucians? What do they have to do with social order and reciprocity?
  10. L

    Torrent Files ............ ? (10 pts)?

    I don't think you should. First of all, they take a longer time to extract (or whatever the term is) then .rar and .zip files, and second of all, .rar and .zip files are more well known, widely used, and reliable. With .torrent files, you don't know what could probably come out.
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    How do I tell my parents I dont want to do what they want, future wise.. Read..?

    then follow your dreams...ur parents can never understand..u need to stand firm in what YOU want to do...
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    How much should i sell my Lg optimus S?

    I have had this phone for about 6 months it is perfectly new not a single scratch. i would like to sell the phone and about 3 screen protectors. the buyer would receive the original box with the owners manuel.
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    How much will the iphone 4 for sprint cost on black friday 2011?

    I am thinking of buying the iphone 4 on black friday.
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    Unfortunately I have caught a Frog in a Rat trap.It appears unhurt tho I

    Poor frog is probably suffering
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    I dreamt I was raped, Any meaning in this?

    Is that ur fantasy?
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    which generation of ipod touch or ipad should i buy?

    The latest one which I think its the 5 gen...
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    Allow me to introduce myself.?

    Dear, you're in the wrong category. This is "Royalty". Go to "Family and Relationships" and click on "Friends".
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    Santeria religion ???????

    How can you know if a person has done a job on you in santeria? What are some things that mean bad? Like plants, flowers.... Serious Answers PLease!
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    Describe British humor versus American humor?

    I think "dry" humor is an explanation. because I know what it means. If you don't, then you really have to hear it to grasp the concept. The article below explains it more in terms of irony, which can include a healthy dose of either sarcasm or subtlety.