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    Why would a Christian convert to Judaism?

    Same way a Muslim could convert to Christianity, or a Christian to Islam, or Madonna to Messianic Judaism. Happens all the time.
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    christians,how can you tell that bible contains absolute truth?

    Because clearly rabbits chew cud and two entirely different creation orders were... uhhh... Errr... God said it, so it's so.. Nah.
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    Can the Christian God do anything it likes?

    It doesn't seem able to create people who will do what it wants.
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    Can somebody explain to me about the bible prophecies that didn't come true?

    (Sigh) Evolution is not a religion, it doesn't say we came from monkeys, and you haven't bothered to establish that any miracle has ever come true other than the graduation rate in the US of people who do not understand Evolution.
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    Is American, because of her forsaking Christ and the very Word of God being given

    You believe we are where we are because of a malignant sky fairy who feels unloved? Errr... Global politics might be a better course of study.
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    Is Atheism a religion?

    Nope. Freedom of religion does, however, also provide freedom from religion.
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    if i hate atheists, does that make me a christian?

    How is that atheist logic? Sounds more like you'd be a bigot.
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    Islam and Judaism will also still be at war of course, but then siblings

    Sadly, it's rather like having two Confederates in beat up pickup trucks shout at each other without realizing they both have the same silly flag decal in the cracked rear window by the gun rack.
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    Atheists why would you choose eternal death with Satan over eternal life with Christ?

    Why would you choose a fairy tale over the only reality you'll ever experience?
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    Athiests, if you are so convinced that there is no God, why spend so

    If idiots attempted to legislate your life according to the Tooth Fairy's dictates, you'd be vocal too.
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    Athiests, if you are so convinced that there is no God, why spend so

    If idiots attempted to legislate your life according to the Tooth Fairy's dictates, you'd be vocal too.
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    All factors considered, good or bad, are we as people better off with or without

    It's impossible to say. Religion is responsible for the Crusades and 9/11; but it is also responsible for some of the most beautiful artwork, music, and literature in the world. We would probably have found another reason to kill each other, but might not have had the same aesthetic benefit.
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    why do some people consider Catholics not christian?

    Generally it is the poorly educated who believe Catholics aren't Christians.
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    Looking for good christian resources for my toddler?

    I sincerely hope you're joking.
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    To All Religion: What/Where Is God?

    Assuming the Devil is in the details, God must be in the rather slipshod.
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    Do you prefer Jesus Christ or the Son of God?

    I prefer reality.
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    What would it be like if everybody had their religion or lack thereof, as a

    I would have a valid basis for determining whether Christians cut people off more in traffic than others. So far my analysis is based upon "fish" window decals, but as the car could be driven by another it is not a certain means of determination.
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    Why dont Christians study the history of their religion at all, ever?

    Because then there would be many fewer Christians.
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    Wowie, we sure dodged a bullet named "Sarah Palin" didn't we?

    I'm glad she's gone... Farther to the right and less educated than Bush: what was McCain thinking?
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    The World is moving according to Revelation prophecies. How can atheists and...

    First explain how the world is moving according to Revelation prophesies. The creation of the State of Israel doesn't really validate a book of mythology.