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  1. D

    does anyone know where I can find the dream team 1992 documentary on dvd for sale?

    Have you tried Ebay or
  2. D

    About how many movies do you own on DVD and blu-ray?

    Around 2,000 It will be a sad day when they stop making dvds/blu rays
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    Do teachers gossip about their students?

    I think it depends on the teacher, but they all have guidelines to go by. If a student is in some kind of need of help, or shares something personal, most will not UNLESS they need a second opinon, and that will not include making fun of the student, unless the teacher is just a jerk. Most...
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    Blue Ray is so over hyped, there is hardly any difference between blue ray

    Blu Ray is superior to regular dvds. Its not only better visually, but the sound is a lot better. Not to mention, the special features on blu ray discs are so much greater than the regular dvd. The best sport to watch in Hd is hockey - its amazing @Ball 5 - huh? what are you talking about?
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    Walking dead season 3 DVD?

    I would say Summer or right before season 4 starts
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    Knowing that the planet is mostly water. Was it really a good idea to...

    They couldn't off Gizmo- he rocks
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    what are some good films to watch in blue-ray?

    Jaws looks great on blu ray Letters From Iwo Jima
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    Will Physical media like DVD's or Blu-rays be a thing of the past?

    Unfortunately, yes the days are winding down. I collect dvd films, so I am not looking forward to this. I don't see myself ever downloading films onto a computer or something like that. I want the physical copy of the movie with the art work. Maybe theres a chance they will make a limited...
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    Blue ray dvd's that have come recently this month/year?

    Airplane! Warriors Of The Rainbow Jaws The Birds
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    Is there a DVD or Blue Ray version of the original Star Wars?

    Lucas releases a new version every 6 months. He needs the extra money to buy his 68th yacht and 45th house.
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    how come a lot of my old 80s and 90s action movies seem better on dvd than blue ray?

    Blu ray is definately not overrated. There is a difference not only in picture, but in sound quality. I think your tv may need to be upgraded.
  12. D

    My sister quit karate because of low self esteem?

    Tell her you were just jealous and being mean, and that you are truly sorry, and mean it. Tell her you thought she was doing really well and you were proud of her and that if she wants some support you are there for her. Tell her that you were also trying to use reverse psychology, and you had...
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    How to unlike something on facebook that is blocked by security?

    My boyfriend went on my facebook account and liked something that he likes but that I don't. He's not religious and neither am I, but my family and friends are super religious and I just choose not to have anything related to religion on my profile just to keep the peace. Well, he liked an...
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    How to unlike something on facebook that is blocked by security?

    My boyfriend went on my facebook account and liked something that he likes but that I don't. He's not religious and neither am I, but my family and friends are super religious and I just choose not to have anything related to religion on my profile just to keep the peace. Well, he liked an...
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    What if the book of revelations changed and it's prophecy?

    What if Jesus Christ returns, and Satan defeats Jesus Christ in battle, and sends Jesus Christ to the pit of eternal damnation, and the holy spirit gets thrown into the p\it of eternal damnation, and they can't find their way out of hell. Then what if Satan and Belial claims the Throne of Yahweh...
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    Adoption?? Future hubby??

    For anyone that knows... My fiance and I are getting married on 9/26/09. He has been with us since J was 4 months old. Has anyone had experience with adoption in this situation?? The bio father will sign over rights... whats my next step?? Were in GA....