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  1. D

    Is there anything more American than Baseball, Hot Dogs, Apple Pie and Chevrolet?

    You really fell for that White House line? First of all the majority of the stock was sold to overseas investors (China with the most), and second of all it would have to sell at 53$ a share to break even... not make a profit. And it isn't close to 53$. And lastly the government owns 1/3 of...
  2. D

    Who think it's funny that the Tea Baggers don't want to spend money but support

    Isn't weird how the Democrats have started more wars than the Republicans...
  3. D

    Anyone remember Nancy Pelosi (Speaker of the House) complaining about 4%

    unemployment under Bush? Don't you just miss the good old days, when more people were employed.
  4. D

    "I liked the Daily Show better when Bush was in the White House as he gave them...

    There is always Glen Beck... He always goes after everyone, Republican, Democrat doesn't matter to him. Corruption is corruption... And when Beck starts crying, it can be amusing.
  5. D

    "I liked the Daily Show better when Bush was in the White House as he gave them

    There is always Glen Beck... He always goes after everyone, Republican, Democrat doesn't matter to him. Corruption is corruption... And when Beck starts crying, it can be amusing.
  6. D

    Isn't it funny that people are complaining about "longer wait times" under the

    It is against the law for any hospital to turn someone away.... But of course why would you let facts get in the way of your rant.
  7. D

    "I liked the Daily Show better when Bush was in the White House as he gave them

    There is always Glen Beck... He always goes after everyone, Republican, Democrat doesn't matter to him. Corruption is corruption... And when Beck starts crying, it can be amusing.
  8. D

    Why is Obama complaining about Arizona, if he had his federal agencies follow

    federal law: Arizona would not? have had to pass a State law concerning illegal immigration.
  9. D

    "I liked the Daily Show better when Bush was in the White House as he gave them

    There is always Glen Beck... He always goes after everyone, Republican, Democrat doesn't matter to him. Corruption is corruption... And when Beck starts crying, it can be amusing.
  10. D

    Is this another example of Liberals gone wild, now you can be arrested in DC...

    ...for prostitution for 3 condoms? That's the way Liberals have been solving problems lately.. Just take away your rights.
  11. D

    "I liked the Daily Show better when Bush was in the White House as he gave...

    There is always Glen Beck... He always goes after everyone, Republican, Democrat doesn't matter to him. Corruption is corruption... And when Beck starts crying, it can be amusing.
  12. D

    Why don't I recall conservatives complaining when Reagan gave a political-charged

    Because Regan's speech was not about himself, he did not ask our children what they could do for him... Big difference,.
  13. D

    Obama says the Economy is starting to pick up,...How So,? Unemployment

    crazybit has no idea what a bull rally is.. I love ignorant Democrats. (fyi, the market fell 115 today)
  14. D

    I keep getting message that internet explorer not responding. Can anyone

    help fix this? I am having problems opening my internet explorer. It has been giving me the internet explorer not responding. My computer is running very slow.
  15. D

    best 6 or 7 seater SUV under $40,000?

    Minivan might be an option, but SUV preferred. Need to fit 6 to 7 adults comfortably. Want fully loaded SUB under it possible, and if so which ones?
  16. D

    USA:Iran not acting responsibly with satellite launch?

    I think Iran in general is a challenge for any United States President
  17. D

    Did it used to be a big deal for you to buy American cars?

    My Grandfather used to own a Ford dealership. They had great cars, affordable prices, and the cars lasted forever. Now I drive a Honda myself. My second, I have never had to take either the Accord's in for problems. The Mustang I had before that was in the shop for one thing or another all...
  18. D

    What is McCain's view on gay rights?

    I think he is moderate. McCain: Opposes constitutional amendment to ban it. Says same-sex couples should be allowed to enter into legal agreements for insurance and similar benefits, and states should decide about marriage. Supports the federal Defense of Marriage Act, which denies federal...