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    What should I worry about when buying a used Porsche?

    I'm always leery about buying older cars because they can be such a pain in the "you know what". This seems like a decent buy, however, Porsche's can be expensive little beasts from insurance to replacement parts. As the old saying goes..."I smell a rat !" The seller clearly states that he's...
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    Looking into buying a Mitsubishi Galant 2002 with a transmission leak.?

    I'd get it checked by a transmission shop first then, make a deal from there. You could be buying someone else's problem.
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    Is it better to purchase a high end used car/suv with high miles (BMW, AUDI,

    The goal is to get the best deal for your money. A vehicle with lower miles will generally last longer than one with high miles. It depends more on it's condition and how well the previous owners took care of it. This goes far beyond the cosmetic/appearance. As a general rule of thumb, a vehicle...
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    Why do so many people hate SUV's?

    Those are some reasons. Here are some others. The SUV has become a status symbol (the nice ones) When you're driving a small car your vision is obscured by the size of the thing, which puts the car at a disadvantage. Also headlights from SUV/trucks blind car drivers when they creep up from...
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    What are some funny things that happen in the movie "Airplane"?

    There are so many to choose from.... I'll narrow it down to these three. 1) when the gay guy jumps out and says " And Leon is getting larger" then grabs Leon's midsection and shakes it. 2) In the uncensored version - when the lady runs down the passage way (between the seats) with her breasts...
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    New girlfriend complains and whines?

    You are being "played" (like a guitar). She's being selfish and does not return your affection for her. She's even already looking at other guys while still dating you. I'd dump her like a sack of hammers.
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    How long will a well maintained volkswagen run?

    Do not buy this car. $6000 for a car with 156,000 miles is insanity at it worst !! And I'm not getting into the problems you run into with a turbocharger cause I'd be here typing for a couple of hours.
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    what is the TV show UFC.?

    United Fight Club is a free-style fighting competition. It differs from "Professional Wrestling" by being more "legitimate" and skipping the "drama" and fanfare that goes with WWE or it's knock offs. They combine many different styles of fighting (Kick-boxing, Kung Fu, standard boxing and so on...
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    Which one do you prefer? Read or Watch first?

    As with all these situations, Read the books first, starting with "The Hobbit" then go to the LOTR trilogy. Watch the movies later. They were decent movies in their own right but, you miss out on so much if you don't read the trilogy. "The Hobbit" explains about where the ring came from and is...
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    Fiat punto evo seatbelt?

    thicker padding, if it's not enough- try even thicker padding. start with foam rubber from an arts & crafts store glued to the wrap around pads. Every car design is full of compromises and this is one you gotta put up with. OR start looking for another car.
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    Why do ugly boys whine when we reject them?

    they dont want to sound sad or depressed so they act immature and wine to hide the pain of rejection but give some guys a chance they might be a great person later on and besides you can make him over girls love to fix up their BFS
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    Truck question. Where is this hose supposed to be connected to? Picture included?

    that hose connects to the back of the air cleaner housing, there should be a port with the same size opening as the breather hose coming from the thingy on the valve cover.
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    My porsche 944 1986 roof is broke im sick of fixing it do they make a...

    On a leaky/problematic sunroof...... with a car that is that old........... Best to get some RTV sealer and glue the thing closed, permanently. Save yourself some aggravation and frustration. Replacement parts are really expensive, if they can be found !!
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    are you supposed to seriously discuss a marriage or is he just supposed to...

    If you really want to scare a guy off, bring up the subject of marriage on your first date.
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    Chevrolet Venture 1998 heating inflactuation?

    Check your oil level with your dipstick. If it's a chocolate milky color : instead of the normal brown/black.... you probably have a bad intake manifold gasket. The GM 3400 engine has a reputation for this problem. If that's OK then check your coolant levels, you just may have to add some coolant.
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    My 90 Mercedes-Benz Won't Start?

    call a tow truck, send to a mechanic.
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    2008 dodge charger...............?

    you'll need to shop around at body shops to see if anyone is willing to do this kind of work (emblems) You can try searching online at chrysler specialty stores also. Do not paint the dashboard, the paint will just flake off over time. If you really want to get the hot pink color for the dash...
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    Is the new ipod available at bestbuy?

    Well i just found out about the new ipod just yesterday and was wondering if it was available at bestbuy yet?