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  1. T

    Brown discharge after sex?

    worry. a lot. wrong hole
  2. T

    What should I do with this guy? Ask him out, forget him, or tell him to take a hike?

    talk to him, tell him to stop and that you like him. but you would never want to be with him if he continues hurting your sisters feelings. :/ the sense of humour thing, dw about it. my GF annoys me with her sense of humour sometimes, just got to put up with it.
  3. T

    why does a pink shadow appear at the side of our tv when a game console is...

    Have you ever tried putting a magnet and sticking it on a computer screen? The same thing goes for a television, because both screens are powered electrically and magnetically, if you interrupt the magnetic forces on anyone those those things then your going to have a problem. consoles usually...
  4. T

    what is wrong with my car?

    maybe one of the fuses blown out. replacing it will cost you 25 cents!
  5. T

    should i ask for a ps3 this christmas?

    get what you think is best. but i would get a 360. the new falcon model pwns to
  6. T

    Which Is better, the latest ipod nano or the Sony NWZA816B 4GB video walkman MP3 ?

    SONY it cost less and its way beter then an ipod. never get an ipod. its so overpriced. it should cost 60$ but instead its 145$ dont trust apple they overprice everything. anythin but an ipod.
  7. T

    Do you hate it that when people rant about the 360......?

    not really. there just jealous. because they paid for an overpriced console with features they dont even use. SO CALLED Blu-Ray, you say thats the best hi def dvd out there. and yet you only have 2 blu ray movies.Which are spiderman 3 and 300. wows.