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  1. M

    WHY!? do atheists come to r&s & then complain that they are being confronted?

    No, I come to R&S to answer questions about religion and the non-existence of any deity. Doing so does not make me agnostic.
  2. M

    Isn't it weired for an atheist to be in a religion?

    Not all atheists "want to free themselves from established moral and metaphysical philosophies". They just don't believe in any god, which is not a requirement of UU, Buddhism, or Laveyan Satanism.
  3. M

    ATHEISTS why dont you get it evolution is a joke?

    It's only a joke to people who don't understand it in the first place. To everyone else, it's common sense.
  4. M

    Athiests, if you are so convinced that there is no God, why spend so

    Has anyone enacted any laws saying that certain people can't get married in your country because the tooth fairy thinks it's yucky? Has anyone attempted to force their "alternative theory" into your child's science classroom to teach kids that the tooth fairy created the world? Have you heard...
  5. M

    Does God feel sad when he hears the screams of the atheists when they die and...

    He shouldn't, because He's the one that sent them there.
  6. M

    Atheists, which prophecies do you think more likely to happen? (details)?

    It depends on how you read the so-called "prophecies". Some people take a broad interpretation of such passages, which allows them to interpret nearly any current event as a fulfillment of the prophecies (e.g., interpreting giant locusts as helicopters, etc.). In that case, both sources are...
  7. M

    Do you feel sorry for Ted Haggard because his religion prevents him from being

    It is a bit sad, but he stays involved in his religion by his own choice. He might be happier if he were honest with himself about who he is, but he has chosen otherwise. So I can't muster up that much sympathy.
  8. M

    Atheists: What's the best way to dodge r.monkeys?

    Don't ask questions or post answers that violate the Yahoo! Community Guidelines.
  9. M

    psychics and non-psychics, what are your predictions for the new year?

    A couple minor international skirmishes, particularly in Afghanistan and Israel/Pakistan, wild fires in California, some hurricanes in the Caribbean, and a zombie infestation.
  10. M

    Are atheists so focused upon overturning religion that they risk

    There are other ways to provide every benefit which is offered by religion.
  11. M

    Hey, I just found out I have a paid holiday this Thursday. Anyone know anything...

    Yeah, I'm getting that day off, too. I think it's some sort of Pagan holiday.
  12. M

    How many of you who rant on saying “don’t push your beliefs or views on me, or

    You know there is a difference between speech and imposing legislation, right? I don't care about the hundreds of billboards in my area that say abortion is murder and babies shouldn't be killed, but I am severely disturbed by the laws which have been enacted across the country which say some...
  13. M

    Why isn’t Bible Prophecy considered logically, is it too deep for shallow minds?

    When considered logically, it is easily dismissed.
  14. M

    Do you believe the prophecy concerning an attack on America by Russia and China?

    These are pretty outrageous claims, with nothing to back it up. "This man is now dead, but everything he has ever said while he was living came to pass and are still coming to pass." Oh yeah, like what? No, the U.S. will not be attacked by Cuba, Mexico, China and Russia. If any, it would...
  15. M

    If evolution is a religion, does that make gravity a religion?

    Yes. If evolution is a religion, then everything is a religion.
  16. M

    Atheist billboards for the holidays..?

    Yes, I believe there is a group in a city on the East Coast that is putting up ads on buses or billboards that says something like "Why believe in God? Just be good for goodness sake." It might be D.C.
  17. M

    Why do people complain about Obama taxing them when they approved of TWO

    It's called having your cake and eating it too.
  18. M

    To Everyone. When you face trials in your life where do you find answers is it

    Psychology, and sometimes Physics or Chemistry, depending on the nature of the problem.
  19. M

    Atheists : If you see another atheist debating with a person under a certain...

    It would depend entirely on what the subject of their debate is and how my own personal opinions fall within that subject. I wouldn't take the atheist's side just because they are an atheist.