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  1. B

    Poll; Who goes back to complain if the drive thru messes up their order?

    If I'm still in the parking lot, I go in. If I've already gone home, I call for free stuff --- unless I REALLY wanted to eat what they left out, in which case I actually go back.
  2. B

    Are the following celebrities Biracial or multiracial in Appearance? ?

    holy shite!!! Michael Scofield has some black in him??? dayum! Dat's kool; had no freaking idea be4 now i kno
  3. B

    What are you planning to become in the near future?

    Asleep .Because I'm tired and it's midnight.
  4. B

    What do you call that old fashion music player?

    Victrola (a brand of phonograph), also known as a gramophone. Like in the record label advertisement with the dog:
  5. B

    gop conspiracy?are they leaving obama the biggest mess?

    You mean like the one the dems left Bush right before he took office? The one where Clinton and his guys got rid of the regulations in 1999? It's poetic justice, not a conspiracy. The dems started it; let's see if they can fix it.