Poll; Who goes back to complain if the drive thru messes up their order?


New member
Feb 1, 2009
Do you go in or back around? Or do you do like I do and just bit*h and do nothing because you didn't notice the bag should have been heavier...
I've called before to complain and got free stuff....lol
I rarely go to MIckey's for breakfast, but did the other day, and they freaking forgot my hash browns. I was so pissed!

And: Why is it fast food never looks like it does on TV or on the advertisements?
If I'm still in the parking lot, I go in.

If I've already gone home, I call for free stuff --- unless I REALLY wanted to eat what they left out, in which case I actually go back.
I just bitch. I don't have the time or I'm too far away from the place to care. It looks different because the food on commercials is plastic or is sprayed with hairspray to maintain.
I go back and give them a piece of my mind, i sure got away with some "good" screw ups from them and that's when i don't go back and go home happy instead, hey...more grub for me.
Reason why it doesn't look like it does is cause the media wants to brainwash you on tv, so you can go waste your hard earned cash by something that you thought was good.