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  1. D

    Isn't it funny how so many compared to before can force their disdain or

    acceptance of our government? Obama has spent more in 2 than Bush with the 2 wars has spent in 8 years but some how Linbs are ok with that, really? I thought Bush's spending was what caused the recession, so Obama is just making it worse right?
  2. D

    Why do all the real questions on here only get like 7 responses and rants get 20?

    not many real questions on here its more so just attempts to solicit insults so if your not trying to get others to insult the right or left not many will answer.
  3. D

    can i take my kids on vacation to fla for a month or so without fathers permission?

    Your together? I think you two should work something out, compromise some how.
  4. D

    Do Republicans complaining about the way Obama is trying to clean up the

    More like you Libs complaining about Bush setting a fire and Obama throwing more fuel on the fire thinking it will make it go out.
  5. D

    Anyone else laughing at Sharpton complaining about others bringing race...

    ...into a debate? Isn't that all he does or get payed to do? FYI hes on the Hannity show right now. Typical Lib & Dem behavior, only ok when you do it right?
  6. D

    Why does the republican plan looks so funny?

    Because your use to seeing the bs the Dems have to offer.
  7. D

    Why do conservatives get angry at gay couples' PDA, but not straight couples?

    Yea like anyone but other ignorant Libs will actually believe this nonsense. Let me guess you have never seen a Lib be a hypocrite?
  8. D

    After refusing trade with us do you think South Korea will have the

    We are already there, have been there for a very long time practicing for this exact thing.
  9. D

    If the first stimulus was supposed to fix our economy, why does Obama

    You'd think he would learn after the first couple never stimulated anything.
  10. D

    How loudly are Obama supporters going to whine and cry when they lose control...

    They will figure out a way to make it Bush's fault some how..
  11. D

    When will Conservatives learn not to argue with Liberals?

    Liberals lower IQ only allows them to post fairy tails and lies, arguing with them is like arguing with a 2nd grader, pointless. To prove my point some Liberals will say in response to this question " Wheres the proof, link, something " When a simple internet search would provide them with the...
  12. D

    Why does Glenn Beck nearly cry all the time, he's on TV right now ranting about

    he does seem to have a kooky way of getting his point across.
  13. D

    Are conservatives who rant against immigration just morons?

    So its our fault the immigrants want all the rewards with out doing all the work to better their country, they would just move here and complain about everything and want us to change, what BS, they should stay were they where and fix their own country. And as for the Indians its also our fault...