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  1. B

    Have you really liked someone but turned them away because you "didn't...

    ...want to be in a relationship"? Do you believe that turning someone away for this reason is just a polite way of saying that you don't want to be in a relationship with that particular person but would be open to a relationship if the "right person" came along? Or have you actually been in a...
  2. B

    Ladies: Would you rather be surprised when your bf pops the question, or would... prefer to discuss it first? And what's your dream proposal?
  3. B

    Ladies: Would you rather be surprised when your bf pops the question, or would... prefer to discuss it first? And what's your dream proposal?
  4. B

    My friend returned my Sex & the City DVD collection and several of the...

    ...episodes don't work? A friend of mine gave me her Sex & the City DVD collection to keep. It came in a case like this: And had a clear, thick, plastic casing around it as well. I watched all of the seasons and only the end...