My friend returned my Sex & the City DVD collection and several of the...


New member
Jun 15, 2010
...episodes don't work? A friend of mine gave me her Sex & the City DVD collection to keep. It came in a case like this:
And had a clear, thick, plastic casing around it as well. I watched all of the seasons and only the end of one episode didn't work. I let my friend borrow it from me like a year ago, kept it for like six months, and when she returned it, one side of the plastic case was broken off. She told me that it was like that when I lent it to her, but I know that it was all intact. She also said it wouldn't matter anyway since it's "not like I paid for it". I've moved since then and the DVD set has been in a box for several months (I haven't watched it since before I lent it to her) and I've been rewatching the seasons the past couple of weeks, and several (10-12 entire episodes) are damaged and won't play. She's been wanting to borrow it again for months but I couldn't find it, and she asked me again today if I had found it yet, and I told her about the damaged episodes. She suggested that maybe the "damage" was from "dust that had collected while it was in the moving box". Is that possible, with the discs inside the velvet book and the book inside a plastic casing? I didn't tell her that I thought it was because of her.

She's always so quick to blame things on me- she called me a few weeks ago screaming that I ruined her favourite sweater by putting it in the washing machine with towels, so there was lint on it. I knew it would easily be solved by using a lint roller or putting it in the wash again, but I offered to take it to the dry cleaners anyway. A few days later she washed it and all the lint came off. Just yesterday she implied that she thought I had stolen her sister's purse. She doesn't apologize when she confronts me about blown-way-out-of-proportion things, and I don't know if I should try confronting her about the discs because I know it may not be her fault, and it seems shallow to "confront" her about such a stupid thing...
And I guess she just generally doesn't take care of things I let her borrow, we switch clothes sometimes and she never washes them before she returns them, they always smell like BO (though she isn't a smelly person). I'm just really disappointed that there are so many episodes that don't work, SATC is my favourite show, and I know I'll probably end up going and spending another $150 on a DVD set so I'll have all the episodes. I wouldn't have told her I would lend it to her if I knew it was damaged, but she's been bugging me to look for it for months, and I've told her that she can borrow it again already...
That sounds like a good friend to drop. Forget about the discs or clean and polish them if necessary.