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  1. N

    was jesus christ against the judaism?

    Absolutely - he was the strongest critic of the religion of his day and he denounced it in terms that would make Richard Dawkins blush. Christ was no friend of religion and Christ did not come to start a religion but to free men from religion and show them a better way; the path of walking in...
  2. N

    Can a Christian show where Judaism is going wrong in their beliefs here?

    Jesus covered everything that needed to be covered.
  3. N

    When Christ died, calculating his year?

    Not a lunar event - lunar eclipses occur during the new moon, the passover is always during a full moon. The cause of the darkness was not described, because we can rule out a lunar eclipse the next best candidates would be cloud cover or dust storm.
  4. N

    I'm an atheist, but I confess that I was happier when I was a Christian. Have you...

    Yes with some people it is older and and wiser, with others like you it is senile and stupid.. Luck of the draw apparently
  5. N

    Did the Emperor Titus fulfill all of Jesus' "Son of Man" prophecies?

    Excellent point. There are many who after reading Titus and Josepheus related to this period of history while comparing the actual events with scripture who have come to the conclusion that the prophecies including the Second Coming were fulfilled in the First Century. Durchfal. That is...
  6. N

    how do Christians know prophecies were actual mentioned before the event happened?

    You might have a point if one was dealing with word of mouth only. But you have texts that are written with dates can can be reasonably ascertained. Unless you are asserting somebody had a time machine witnessed events and then traveled back in time to write them down (and some evidence to...
  7. N

    Why shouldn't LGBT issues be discussed in Sex Education?

    I suppose that would depend on what the school sees as the purpose of sex education. If it is about how babies are made, and safe sex then LGBT really does not come into it, straight or gay you still put the condom on the same way and you still should use a condom every time. Interjecting LGBT...
  8. N

    A Christians view on racism?

    Neither racism, xenophobia nor sexism are an acceptable part of Christianity. Colossians 3:11 "Where there is neither Greek nor Jew, circumcision nor uncircumcision, Barbarian, Scythian, bond nor free: but Christ is all, and in all." Galatians 3:28 "There is neither Jew nor Greek, there is...
  9. N

    I'm interested in training as an Exorcist, but are there any less religious...

    Sorry to tell you but demons were cast into the lake of fire with Satan quite some time ago. What you see in the world today are mans own urges and mental illness. No demons means nothing to exorcise.
  10. N

    How come Creationists and Christians aren't complaining about Cosmology

    Perhaps they are not giving cosmologists more credit they they really deserve So far they have proven nothing other than the the ability to imagine all kinds of invisible things... When observations showed there was not nearly enough matter in the universe cosmologists responded arguing most of...
  11. N

    With US poverty rates exploding and already highest in 1st World, are US

    Perhaps it is time for both sides to stop their petty bickering and blaming each other and start working on solutions.
  12. N

    Will banks face any consumer setback with their newly introduced fees?

    My bank is -- I am in the process of moving all my accounts over to a local credit union.
  13. N

    Can anyone try to argue Janet Napolitano's side on this one? Should we...

    The pilot only revealed the whole world what those with a lick of sense already knew. The TSA is a farce putting on a good show to make people feel more secure but not really making flying any safer. Nothing he filmed could not have been filmed by any private citizen other than the rescue ax in...
  14. N

    Why are the only people that argue the plight of gay people mostly not-gay liberal

    Because they are trying to lock in another voting group for the Democratic party. Racial discrimination is all but gone in most of the United States, in a generation that will cease to be a voting block so they have to find another voting block to fill it's place. The Democratic party wants to...
  15. N

    If flying is not a right, why don't the liberals who oppose thorough

    The US Supreme court has held that freedom to travel is a fundamental right and by legal construction the means to travel (including flying). One cannot legally be deprived of a fundamental right without due process... The TSA's attitude, you must waive your Forth Amendment rights in order to...
  16. N

    Why is / was it alright with Cons /Reps that Bush used millions of Tax payer...

    Because things ran more smoothly when Bush was on vacation...