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  1. M

    Imagination picture game!

    how can you tell how i look through text. :dodgy:
  2. M

    Things that make you go Mmmmmm....

    What's an Emmerson?
  3. M

    i will review you as a poster

    shut up you tit
  4. M

    What are you better at than anyone else on ST?

    Probably only and css :( and school
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    Shutterbugs! Check THIS Out!

    Ohhh, awesome. Might stop the frustration of trying to make the panorama mode on my point and shoot work well.
  6. M

    LOLcats/caturday thread!

  7. M

    What's your latest new gadget?

    Raging Tranny - Nooooooooooooooo dont do it ha ha ha or at least buy some falsies beforehand
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    Do you try to see the funny side of things?

    I do always try to look on the bright side of life but I can also be serious when it is necessary
  9. M

    Oh Dear...

    Gravity ftw!
  10. M

    well fuck...

    jack a car
  11. M

    Poll: Would you keep a pig in your house as a pet?

  12. M

    Busting into areas to check on people... Allowed?

    Exactly; normal employees don't know about the "plopcam". mitch
  13. M

    What are you doing ATM / lots of fail

    Trying to find somehting pointless to spend every penny of graduation money I have.
  14. M

    Gummi Light houses?

    Dude no way!
  15. M

    how to upload pictures onto Motorola Cliq?

    I used my USB port to download all my pictures on my phone to my computer and now they all deleted from my cell! How do i get the pic's back on?
  16. M

    Microchipping to Replace Cash. Will you take one? - POLL

    I was merely responding to someone. Prefer this? Revolutions, Flashmobs, Brainchips R, F, B 2 R, F, B 3 R, F, B 4 R, F, B 5
  17. M

    burningnun's beard thread

    Don't be one of those "beards are disgusting" homos. Discuss the following: my brother pink version of me stone cold matt 3:16 bearlike guy from facebook rummy the beardmaster general
  18. M

    Copy and Paste this on your Address Bar

    lmao howd u learn that?
  19. M

    Survey....When was your last really ?

    When I lept out of plane diving *dont panic*
  20. M

    Arsenal's end of season Dinner Dance!

    The menu : ARSENAL F.C. END OF SEASON DINNER DANCE Starter Egg on Face Seasoned Hash Frogs legs (past their best) Spanish Surprise (well beaten) Main course Humble Pie Chump Chops French (has) Beans Manager's Beef (not rare) Catch of the Day - big lemon Sol (gutted) NB: everything is...