
  1. V

    Video: Sergio Garcia Chokes on 17th Hole on Sunday

    [No message]
  2. T

    is minecraft really coming out march 17th because im hearing its just rumors?

    sorry i wasnt clearer but i meant for xbox 360 ppl were saying it was suppose to come out the 17th of march i just wanted to know if this was true
  3. T

    is minecraft really coming out march 17th because im hearing its just rumors?

    sorry i wasnt clearer but i meant for xbox 360 ppl were saying it was suppose to come out the 17th of march i just wanted to know if this was true
  4. V

    17th birthday walmart scavanger hunt! Any Ideas? Party is tomorrow!?

    I am having a hotel party for my birthday and there is a walmart next to the hotel so me and my friends are going to do a scavenger hunt and take pictures. Any ideas? Here is some of what we already have: - Sing a song to a random person without laughing -Tell a group of guys that you are a...
  5. K

    Is this a good introduction paragraph for an essay on 17th century punishment?

    Have you ever done something you knew deep down was wrong, but did it anyways? And after you had done it, you were called out on spot about it? Didn’t feel too great to have a secret brought to public eye did it? In the 17th century, public humiliation was one of the many consequences for...
  6. A

    Games for a teenage sleep over? 17th Birthday Party?

    I'm having a sleep over for my 17th birthday I may be 17 but there's no drugs at all. I'm having a sleep over with guys & girls so I need some games for teenagers
  7. A

    In angry birds video game for android I can't get 17th golden egg star.?

    I watched a you tube video on how to do it and it showed a box on the top of the screen with bird cards you have to flip over. That does not appear on my screen. Am I not doing something right?
  8. S

    How many people are born on the 17th of April?

    its a vary boring day so i just want to know from all u ppl out there, HOW MANY OF U R BORN ON THE 17 APRIL (my birthday)
  9. S

    what did they use in the 17th centuary to find out if someone is a wich?

    please dont copy and paste from wikipeadia of something
  10. C

    I need a 17th Century food recipe?

    I am doing a project for Romeo and Juliet, my group is supposed to arrange Juliet and Romeo's wedding specifically the food. I need a 17th century recipe that goes along with that time period. Please help!!
  11. N

    Baseball Trivia: What unique events happened on September 17th and 18th, 1968?

    I stumbled across this. I don't know how easy it would be to look up. Maybe someone knows the answer already...
  12. W

    What to get for Girlfriends 16th birthday long distance relationship 17th birthday?

    I already bought her previously earrings..scarf and charm bracelet, what could i buy her for her birthday, help please:) please bear in mind that i am completely in love with her and tgat it's a ld relationship^^ thanks:)
  13. A

    i am heading to USA on 17th Sept. What can i expect weatherwise from Los

    Angeles, Las Vegas and San Francisco? Is it still warm there or will i be needing long sleeves?any chance of still swimming ?Could you also advise me of things NOT to do while i am there as i have researched things i want to do.Thanks in advance
  14. A

    What should I wear to the fresno ani-vent on july 17th?

    i have medium black layered hair so its hard to find an anime character to cosplay so i as thinking of dressing up as a school girl would that be ok
  15. K

    Ok So my Birthday is coming up on August 17th and i want the LG Rumor 2 for

    sprint but I cant find any places? that have it, i live in sagamore. pleeaasee help!! ):
  16. B

    What was it that actually brought about the witch hunts around the 17th century?

    It seems pretty unbelievable now, that people would publically burn a person based on such flimsy evidence. And it was not that long ago either.
  17. A

    PlZ ANSWER! Okay so unprotected sex on the 17th feb. Ovulated exactly 6 days later?

    Then from about the 25th started noticing abdomanol pains fatigue frequent headaches my boobs became sore at around feb 28th. My periods not due until march 15th and I had a blood test march 1st that came back negative. Is there any chance at all I could be pregnant and being the impatient thing...
  18. S

    How did people travel long distances during the 17th century?

    Would an aristocrat travel on a ship? Would a trades man travel by sea? The people I'm speaking of are of the upper class and have aristocratic background. By long distances I mean from country to country. For instance from Bordeaux, France to Rome, Italy. How would they travel? How long would...
  19. K

    Hotel Room Availability In San Francisco for Oct 17th?

    My friends and I were wondering which hotels in San Francisco usually have more rooms availiable for last minute check ins on that same day. Thanks in Advance.
  20. A

    Who's going to see AC/DC at ANZ stadium, 17th Febuary 2010?

    Im goin'...Im going to be in Area A. Is anyone else going, and be free to leave a comment about anything about AC/DC or the new "Shamwow"!!!Lol, JOKING ABOUT THE SHAMWOW!!!